Page 10 of Big Baller

Bentley laughs. “I had a similar conversation with my friend.” He holds out the pack of gum and offers it to the little girl. “Here you go. If you chew it, your ears won’t pop when we lift off.”

“Thank you,” she squeaks out as she takes a piece and shoves it into her mouth.

We’re done with our safety precautions, and the pilot announces for everyone to prepare for takeoff. I won’t lie, what he did for that girl melted my heart just the tiniest bit. I’m sure he doesn’t have any kids. At least, nothing I googled showed that he did. Doing that was probably a terrible idea, but I needed to know more about him. If anything, to prove that my first impression of him was correct. Every image I found of him since he joined the team is with a different girl. That’s not exactly compelling evidence for me to want to consider a date with him. He’s obviously not like that all the time if his interaction with the little girl is any sign.

The plane starts down the runway and I see Bentley’s body tense and his hands grip the armrest. The child next to him grabs hold of her mom’s hand and squeezes it tight. She looks over at Bentley before setting her bear next to her and places her hand on his arm. My heart is now mush. I quickly make my way to the back of the plane and take my seat until we are in the air. Seeing a softer side to him should not change the way I see him, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t. At least a little bit.

* * *

We’ve finally landed, and people are getting off the plane. Those who are seasoned at this are already off and doing whatever it is they came here to do. Bentley is still sitting with the woman and her daughter. I’m sure she’s waiting until there are fewer people since she has to make sure her little one has all of her stuff.

Bentley and the girl are laughing, and a bar from the cage around my heart disappears. Oh no, that shit needs to go right back where it was. I’m not letting this guy get under my skin. Now that most of the passengers are gone, Bentley and his seatmates can get into the aisle. While the mom is getting her daughter situated, Bentley reaches above them to the bins, and pulls out his suitcase as well as the suitcase for the mom and child.

Another wall is destroyed. He pulls out his phone and taps something on it. Before showing it to the girl. The mom and child are now heading toward the exit, and the girl is carrying one of our napkins with ink scrawled across it. He must have autographed it for her.

They near me and they are both beaming. “I hope y’all had a great flight, and hope you have fun while you’re in Chicago.”

“Thank you. I had no idea athletes flew on regular planes. It looks like my family and I have plans tonight, now.”

“What do you mean?” It’s weird that they wouldn’t have plans before they got here. Most people have an entire itinerary set out before they leave home.

“Bentley plays for the visiting team, and he set tickets up for us and my husband, who just got back from deployment, to go to the game tonight.” Her smile is gigantic, and I can tell that it means a lot to her.

“That’s great. I hope all three of you have a fantastic time at the game tonight.”

“Thank you.”

My eyes fall on the man of the hour and he’s now helping an older woman get her luggage from the carry-on bin. This is such a different side of him than I saw when we first met last week. Maybe he’s not as arrogant as he appears. When the woman reaches for her suitcase, he waves her off and tells her to go ahead of him.

They walk down the aisle, slowly, and finally make it to me. “I hope you both had a great flight.”

“Thank you, Dear. This is one of my favorite airlines to fly with.” The lady gives me a curt nod and takes a few steps into the hallway.

“That’s good to hear.”

Bentley rushes toward her, and asks, “Can you give me just a second I’ll bring your luggage out to you at the gate.” She glances at him and then me before grinning and shuffling along down the hall.

“When did you become such a hero?” I roll my eyes as he lopes back toward me.

He stops in his tracks and puts his hands to his heart. “You wound me.”

“Please,” I laugh. “Don’t act like you weren’t doing that for my benefit.” It’s the only reason I can come up with. What other person is that helpful without getting anything in return?

“My mom would beat me into next week if I saw someone struggling and didn’t offer to help. I’m not a total asshole.” He leans against the doorway and looks straight into my eyes. “The fact that you saw it is just a bonus. Maybe you’ll go on a date with me.”

“Bentley,” I sigh and lift my hand to my temple. “I already told you, I don’t date.” How many ways do I have to spell it out for him? Dating leads to heartbreak. I don’t care what Lana says.

“You know, you can’t let whatever asshole hurt you win. By shutting yourself off, that’s all you’re doing. Believe me, I have experience with it.” A flash of sadness crosses his eyes, and I want to know who hurt him so badly.

Damn it, Jolene. No, you don’t. His life is none of your concern, even if he has a point. “Look, I have to get this plane cleaned up before the next flight.”

“Point taken,” he mutters under his breath. “Do you have a pen and piece of paper?”

I’m not sure where he’s going with this, but I pull both out of my pocket and hand them to him. If he doesn’t leave soon, the next flight will be delayed, and we’ll get bitched at. He scribbles something down and hands both back to me. “What’s this?”

“My number,” he deadpans. I’m sure he had some other smartass remark to add to it, but decided not to say it. “I’ll be here for the next two days. If you change your mind about the date while I’m here, or any other time, you know how to reach me. The ball is in your court now.” He doesn’t say anything else. He grabs the woman’s suitcase, and his, and walks down the hall without a care in the world.

A part of me wants to crumple the paper up and toss it in the trash. I almost do, but Lana shows up out of nowhere and stops me. “You’re going to want to keep that.”