This is not something I accounted for. Which is stupid because she lives with them. Of course, there was a chance somebody besides Amelia would answer the door. “Um,” I shuffle my feet and stare at the ground. “Is Amelia home?”

“No,” she says, matter of fact. “She went home.”

“What? When?” There are so many more questions I want to ask, but those feel like the most important.

“A couple of days ago. Did you want me to give her a message?”

She went home? For good? As much as I want to say this out loud, I don’t. It won’t do me any good. Not right now, at least. “No, that’s okay.” Lifting the flowers up to her, I urge her to take them. “These were supposed to be for Amelia.” She stares at the drooping flowers for a second before taking them. “Sorry, the heat kind of messed them up. Sorry for taking up your time.”

My back is to the door, and Mrs. Burgess, in two seconds flat. That was embarrassing. “I’ll tell her you stopped by,” she calls to my retreating back. I really hope she doesn’t. This whole excursion was pitiful. I need a better plan because I am not giving up.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, I’m knocking on Tonya’s front door. A sneaking suspicion tells me she’s not going to be as nice as her mom was. Not that Mrs. Burgess was all warm hugs and smiles. I’m not disappointed when she swings the door open, glaring at me. “What do you want, Randall?”

“I need Amelia’s address.” There’s no point in beating around the bush. She’ll either give it to me, or she won’t. It’s that simple.

“Why should I give it to you?” She crosses her arms over her chest, daring me to give her a good reason.

“I need to tell her how I feel. She wasn’t,” I don’t get a chance to finish because Tonya interrupts me.

“You had a chance to tell her how you felt. And you stood there like a dumbass and let her walk away from you.”

“I know,” I groan. “I freaked out. You know my history, how my mom left us, and the shit I dealt with on a daily basis with my dad.”

“What do you mean dealt?” She takes a step back, trying to see if she can figure out what changed by my appearance alone. This is not her brightest moment, but I’m sure as shit not telling her that. She’s the only person standing between me and Amelia. It wouldn’t be wise to insult her right now.

“Can I come in?” I point inside. “It’s a little toasty out here.”

“Yes,” she points at me. “I want answers. Especially if you want me to help you with Amelia.”


She opens the door wider to allow me entrance. The cold air conditioning feels like heaven compared to standing on her porch. Honestly, I’m surprised she gave in so easily. Thathasto mean something.

Once I’m seated on her couch, she stares me down. “So, what did you mean dealt with? Aren’t you still living with your dad?”

Shaking my head, I lean back and get comfortable. “Tony and Jake helped me get an apartment. In this complex, actually.” I sweep my hands in front of me to clarify my point. “I’m on the other side, but I have my own place now.”

“What made you decide to move out?”

“Tony sat me down and talked to me,” I shrug. “He hit me with some hard truths, and helped me realize some things. Including how much I love your cousin.”

“Jake and Marshall have only been trying to do that for years,” she mutters, not realizing I can hear her. “So, you do feel the same way,” she says a bit louder. It’s not a question and I can’t help the small cry of victory in my head. There’s still a chance.

“Yep. I have for a while,” I pause. “And that’s why I need your help. I went to your parents’ house and your mom said Amelia went home. Is she staying there for good?”

“No, she’s just going to get some of her things and spend time with her mom and dad.”

“Any chance you’re going to give me her address?” I smile and wag my eyebrows hoping she finds some sympathy for me and just tells me already.

“Promise to never hurt her again?”

“I’ll do everything in my power to ensure she’s happy.” She opens her mouth as if to argue, except I don’t give her a chance. “It won’t always be easy, butshe’sworth fighting for.”

A smile creeps over her face. “That is exactly the answer I was hoping for.” She glances at me and winces. “I’m going to give you her address. It’s a long drive, and no offense, but your car probably won’t make it that far and back.”

“Shit.” Not exactly what I wanted to hear. I’ll figure something out. Marshall or Jake will most likely let me borrow one of their cars. “Okay.”