"Bowl," she yells and claps her hands excitedly. I don't see how she doesn't have every single person she meets wrapped around her tiny, little fingers. All it took was her pointing at my bowling ball for me to give in.

Amelia is already scooting the ball ramp kids use to the lane before I have a chance to ask for it. We don't have bumpers on either lane, so there's no telling where this ball may end up.

Placing the ball on the apparatus, I hold it in place with one hand while bending down and setting Layla on my knee with the other. "Are you ready, baby girl?"

She begins pushing on the ball and becomes frustrated when it won't budge. It’s funny, and adorable, when she gets angry. I’ve seen her in full on temper tantrum so I’m not going to delay this too much longer. The next time she pushes on it, I push on it as well, releasing the ball down the ramp and making it’s path along the lane. For a second, I think it's going to veer right and head straight to the gutter. But it doesn't, it rolls straight down the lane, knocking down all ten pins.

I stand up, adjusting Layla until she is sitting on my hip, and throw my arm up in victory. Just like that movie when the guy is walking across the football field. It really does feel exhilarating. "Layla, you are going to have to bowl for me more often. You are definitely my good luck charm." I tickle her side and she kicks her feet as she laughs. This time Amelia doesn't miss the jerk of pain when Layla accidentally hits one of my bruises.

When her eyebrows raise in question, I mouth "later." It seems to satisfy her for now. I know there will be a ton of questions as soon as we are alone. She’s not going to like what I have to say.

Jake swoops in and pulls Layla from my arms. "Oh no, you are not allowed to bowl for Uncle Randall anymore. You need to pass all of that luck daddy's way. Then I can start making bets with all your other aunts and uncles, and win some money."

"Or," Tonya interjects. "You can all bowl for yourselves, and not rely on a one-year-old."

Reaf laughs, "She's just mad because she's losing."

"Keep laughing, and we'll see who's losing later." I can't tell if the smirk on Tonya's face is playful or evil, but it shuts Reaf up pretty quickly. A laugh bursts from my mouth without permission, and he glares at me.

“Oh, you just wait,” he tells me. “There will be a time when Amelia will use your jokes against you. And on that day,” he pauses for suspense. “I will be bent over, laughing my ass off at you.”

Amelia smiles sweetly at me. She’s not fooling me. Reaf forgets I grew up with her during the summers. She has a mean streak when she wants to. Even after her and Tonya would tell on us for picking on them, they would get their revenge.

There are only a couple of frames left in the game, and I can’t wait to be out of this bowling alley. It hasn’t changed one bit since we started coming here when we were in junior high. The plus side is it’s not busy. We are literally the only group here. It’s definitely not where I planned on spending my Monday night. It’s where Amelia was going to be, and I want to be wherever she is. Especially after the bullshit with my dad over the weekend.

Amelia saunters up to the lane and bends over, wiggling her butt before rolling the ball down the lane. She’s doing it on purpose to distract me, and I will not let her win. Even if her ass looks great in those jeans.

“It’s your turn,” she places a quick peck on my cheek and sits down beside me.

She’s two pins ahead of me. All I need is a spare to win. I glance at Layla, hoping they’ll let me steal her for a second to help me bowl. The scowl on Tonya’s face, makes the decision for me. I won’t be getting any help from my good luck charm right now.

“You. Are. Going. Down.” Picking my ball up, I reenact the butt wiggle Amelia just did. She laughs so loudly I almost drop the ball. My arm swings back, then forward, and I release the ball. Turning, I face Amelia, not watching how many pins I hit. A triumphant smile on my face.

It’s not until I hear Jake mutter, “Damn, dude” that I turn around. The ball went into the freaking gutter. No way. How in the hell did I lose? It should have gone straight down the middle. It must have been me mocking her that threw me off my game. You know, karma, and all that crap.

“What was that you were saying?” Amelia teases. “I think I deserve ice cream after kicking your ass tonight.”

I snort. “You act like you weren’t going to get any ice cream anyway.”

“But now,” she bats her eyelashes at me. “It will be in celebration of my sweet, sweet victory.”

“You tell him, sister,” Tonya laughs. “Gotta train them early.”

“I do what I do for you because I love you, woman,” Reaf announces, loudly. “Not because I’m trained.”

Tonya and Layla are standing side by side. Her arms loaded down with a diaper bag, her purse, and another bag that holds a few toys for Layla. Without a word, Reaf grabs all the bags from his wife’s hands and heads outside to get the truck. Tonya scoops Layla into her arms and nods at us, knowingly. Amelia finds it funnier than I think she should, and she rolls her eyes. “That’s called being a gentleman,” she whispers to me.

Wiping my hand across my forehead in mock relief, I say, “Thank goodness you don’t think I need to be trained.”

“Nope,” she giggles. “I like you just the way you are.”

She’s not going to like anything very much when I have to tell her about the bruises. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

“Absolutely.” She slides her hand in mine, stands on her tiptoes and gives me a quick kiss.

I put my arm around her and pull her closer to me, trying to deepen the kiss. Amelia ducks out of my grasp and begins pulling me toward the car. Shit, this girl is on a mission, and I have a feeling it’s going to revolve around me.

As soon as we’re in the car, I put the key in the ignition and start it. Hand on the gear shift, I’m about to put it in reverse, but Amelia puts her hand over mine. “Wait.”