“They could at least put it back.” This is a pet peeve of mine. People can’t be bothered to put things where they got them from when they change their minds. It happened all the time at the boutique I worked at back home. Drove me nuts.

“I agree,” his shoulders lift in defeat. “But I deal with it. Today I was in the gardening section most of the time, helping people load soil and potted plants into their cars.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet.” All I picture is Randall lifting huge bags into the cars of little old ladies all over town. It’s probably not accurate, only I can’t help romanticizing the whole the thing. His muscles rippling under his shirt sweeps through my mind, and my cheeks flame.

“It’s my job. It’s not too hard, and it makes the day go by faster when I’m constantly moving around.”

“Good point.”

A woman walks up to the table and stops right at the edge. “Hi, I’m Vickie. Do you kids know what you want?”

“Hello, Vickie.” Glancing at the menu on the table one more time, I wonder what Randall will think when I place my order. “I’m ready. I’d like ribs, potato salad, and corn on the cob.”

“Is that a half rack or full,” Vickie asks before turning her attention to Randall.

“Um, half.”

“I was going to get the same thing,” Randall says. “Do you want to get a full and split it?”


Vickie writes it down on her small notepad. “Do you want the same sides?”

“Yes, except trade the corn for beans, please.” He grabs the menus and holds them out for our waitress.

“What would y’all like to drink?”

“Sweet tea would be great,” Randall answers.

“I’ll have a Dr. Pepper, thank you.” He didn’t even bat an eye when I ordered the ribs. Most guys wouldn’t have said anything, though they’d give you that look. The one where they’ll keep silent, but wouldn’t you rather have a salad or something. Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy big meals.

“How’s the job hunt going?” Randall asks as Vickie leaves to turn in our order.

“Pretty great, actually.” Our waitress sets our drinks in front of us. Wow, she’s quick. Taking a quick sip from my drink, I continue. “That boutique I applied at called me back.” It’s hard to contain my excitement. When I didn’t hear back right away, I thought they may have hired someone else.

“That’s amazing, Amelia,” Randall says.

“Thank you. I’m pretty excited to be working again.” Another sip of my drink. “It will give me something to do during the day. And… I’ll actually have money to do stuff instead of relying on my mom to send Aunt Lucia money.”

Asking Lucia and Tonya for anything makes me feel like such a bum. I’m not their responsibility. Hell, I’m not even my parents’ problem anymore. I’m grateful for the help they are giving me until I’m in a good place again. Or, at least, a better place.

“I’m happy for you.” Randall plays with the edge of his napkin. “It can be hard to find a job in small towns. What will you be doing?”

Dang it. That’s the one thing I forgot to ask. “Actually, I don’t know,” I shrug. “I’m sure it’ll be the usual, though. Stocking shelves, checking people out, and counting inventory. At least, that’s what I did at the last boutique I worked for.”

“So,” he laughs. “Basically, what I do, but less sweaty and smelly.”


Randall looks like he’s about to say something, except Vickie comes at the exact moment. “Here you go.” She sets a plate with the biggest rack of ribs I’ve ever seen in the middle of the table. “I’ll be right back with your sides and a couple of plates for y’all.”

“Thank you.” Screw waiting for the plates. I’m hungry. Plucking a rib from the rack, I take a bite and moan in satisfaction. “This is so good.”

“I’m happy you aren’t like most girls.” Randall says as he reaches for a rib.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He clears his throat. “Nothing bad,” he rushes. “It’s just that most girls will get a salad or some kind of small meal because they are too worried about what guys think of them.”