It would have been nice if she’d given me five minutes before demanding answers. I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Now, I get to annoy her. “Did you know your parents gave me your dad’s old car? He got a new one today. I’m paying on it regardless of how much they argue with me about it.” The sentences almost run together. If I don’t talk fast, she’ll interrupt me.

“Yes,” she groans. “I knew that. Who you think nudged them with the idea? Stop changing the subject.” Tonya pauses. Waiting to see if I’m going to argue. I’m not going to because I’m grateful she thought about me enough to suggest it. “Now, spill.”

“Fine.” Sitting up, I lean against the backboard, and tell her everything that happened. From finding him kicking the shit out of his car to him brushing the piece of hair behind my ear.

I leave out the part about how I felt when he did it. Tingles raced up my spine and there was a spark for the few moments his fingers were on my face. Even though I know I can’t date him, I wanted nothing more than to pull him closer just to see what his lips would feel like against my skin. His hair sliding between my fingers.

“Melly,” Tonya screams through the phone.


“Dude, what happened? You were talking and then nothing.”

My cheeks flame even though I know she can’t see me. “Sorry, just freaking out about dinner with him.” It’s partially the truth. It’s not like I’m going to admit I was thinking about his hands on me.

“So, is it a date?” She thinks she’s sly asking it all sweet and sing song like. She’s not fooling anyone.

“No.” Part of me wishes I didn’t put the friend caveat on it, but my heart is thanking me for protecting it. “Just friends.”

“Wow, I can’t believe he was okay with that.”

“Why do you say that?” Maybe I made a mistake in agreeing to dinner.

“He had a reputation in school.” Hearing my intake of breath, she rushes on. “Though most of it was just talk. When girls would say he was out with them, I knew most of them weren’t true because he would be at Marshall’s house with the rest of us.”

“So,” I say, hesitantly. “You think this is a bad idea?”

“Not at all, prima.” Layla’s tiny giggles in the background make me smile. “I honestly think this will be good for both of you.”

“That’s good to know.” My head falls back, and I wince at the pain. If Tonya condones it then it must be alright. There’s no way she would let me do something that would hurt me in the end.

“I need to go.” She shushes her daughter. “Layla is being stubborn, like Jake,” she adds annoyed. “And refusing to lie down for the night. I’m going to see if reading to her will speed the process up.”

Doing my best to cover my laughs, I say, “No worries. Give her lots of kisses from me.”

“Will do. Talk to you tomorrow.” Before I even get a chance to say goodbye, the other end is silent. Envy isn’t something I feel for her. It has to be difficult holding down a job and going to school on top of everything else. Layla will be happy she has a mom who does so much for her.

Feeling better after talking to Tonya about the whole Randall situation, I set my phone on the nightstand and lie back down. Even if I don’t get a call back from the jobs I applied for today, I can still look for one somewhere else. Especially since I have a car thanks to my amazing family.

My eyes are finally drifting off to sleep when my phone pings.

Randall: Hi, friend in training. ;)

This is a side of him I didn’t think he possessed. He was so surly at the hardware store. Today wasn’t horrible when I helped him, but he wasn’t exactly this playful either. I don’t respond to his text. Instead, I close my eyes and dream about a world of possibilities opening up before me.



Three days.That’s how long it’s been since I sent Amelia a text message and she didn’t respond. Not a single word. It was a little late, but most people our age aren’t exactly the type to go to bed early.

Phone in hand, I waffle back and forth with whether I should text her again. I don’t want to seem desperate, I can’t help feeling that way. Any sort of human connection would be amazing right now.

Dad’s been on a rampage. The guys have to be tired of hearing me bitch about all of my woes. Not that I do it often. It’s been one of those weeks. I’m not sure my dad has even gone to work. He’s home when I leave for work and when I get back. Beer in hand and television blasting.

Before my thoughts can take me too far off the deep end, I tap Amelia’s name in my contacts. If she doesn’t answer this text, I’ll try calling her. After that, the ball to this friendship is in her court.

Randall: I’m not sure if my last text confused you, but it’s Randall. Do you want to grab that dinner tonight?