Page 5 of From this Moment

“Maggie did a fine job of raising you.” Grabbing his drink off the end table, he sinks back into the sofa. “Tonya’s at her dress fitting. It was the only time she could fit in this week before going again when the rest of girls are with her.” He nods to the space on the other side of the couch. “Watch the game with me.”

I take a closer look at the television before sitting down. “Is that Hilltown U?”

“Yep. That guy Darcy brought with her over Christmas break plays for the team. I figured I’d check him out and see if he’s any good.”

“Is he?”

“Yeah. The kid’s decent considering he had a late start.”

I sit back against the couch, watching Derrick run from one side of the court to the other. Jason isn’t wrong, he’s pretty good. His spot on the team is definitely well deserved. He didn’t say much when they were here. He spent most of the time following Darcy around like a puppy or listening to the rest of us guys talk while the girls were planning the wedding. It’d be great to get to know him a little better since he’s friends with Travis, and the two of us have gotten to be good friends.

Lost in the sound of shoes squeaking and the ball being dribbled, I almost don’t notice the silence in the house. There should be the sound of annoying toys being played with. “Where’s Layla?”

“With her dad,” Jason grunts.

“Why?” I’m not upset that she’s with Jake. Well…not completely. She could have called me and had me pick her up to help her out. I don’t understand why she has to be so damn stubborn.

“She says it’s so Layla has more time to bond with Jake. But I don’t know. She’s never been one to rely on anyone else, least of all him.”

“Speaking of,” I throw out into the silence.

“If it’s something bad about Jake I don’t want to know. He’s come a long way since he moved back, and as much as it kills me to say it, I think him being with Layla as much as possible is a good thing.”

I can’t even argue with him because it’s true. He’s done a complete one-eighty from the jealous asshole that was pestering Tonya over a year ago. Him and Charleigh are perfect for each other, and I’m happy we all get along. I wish Caroline and her ex could be like that for David. But that’s next to impossible.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “It’s not about Jake per se, but it is about his mother.”

“What the hell is Diane up to now?” He quickly stands. “Hold on to that thought, I’m going to grab a beer. I have a feeling I’ll need it for this.”

I nod at his retreating back. Hell, I need drink for this. Her insanity is what had me hauling ass over here to see me girl. Instead I get to hang out with her dad. It’s not a bad thing. I just feel weird being here without her.

Sitting down in his spot, Jason takes a long sip from the amber bottle. He may need something stronger than that. “Okay, tell me what the great Diane was up to today.”

I rub my hand over my face, wishing I didn’t have to have this conversation at all, but I have to. Maybe he can tell me whether I should inform Tonya. “She came into the shop today and basically demanded I call off the wedding.”

“Why would you do that?”

“In her words…because I’m not worthy and Jake is Layla’s father. They should be together to make the perfect little family.” I really wish he would have offered me one of those beers. I could use one right now, that’s for sure.

“She’s so full of shit,” Jason barks. I jump back in surprise, trying to think of time I’ve heard him cuss, and I can’t come up with one. “She only wants them to look like a cookie cutter family so they can save face.” He gives me a stern look. “You know that, right?”

“Yeah,” I breathe out. “But it really ticked me off. I told her if she didn’t need her car serviced, she needed to leave the premises.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Are you serious? What did she do?”

“She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I had the audacity to stand up to her.”

“That sounds about right,” he shakes his head. “You aren’t going to tell Tonya, are you?”

“I was hoping you would lead me in the direction I need to take with her.”

He squeezes the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as if he’s fighting off an oncoming headache. “I wouldn’t tell her. She’s already freaking out about everything she needs to get done, and this would only be one more thing to stress her out.”

I nod and turn back to the game. “Thanks, that’s what I was thinking as well.”

“I’m glad you opened up to me, Reaf.”

He begins watching the game again, as if we didn’t just agree to share a secret between us. I wish I knew what I could do to help ease Tonya’s burden, but any time I ask, she waves me off. I know this would stress her out even more, and it’s a wise choice not to tell her. But, if she finds out, she’s going to be so pissed.