Page 18 of Marquess of Fortune

Mirabelle nodded, giving Emily’s fingers a squeeze. Then she leaned over and whispered in Emily’s ear. “Meet me in Hyde Park tomorrow at two in the afternoon.”

“All right,” Emily replied as the carriage drew to a stop.

Ace snapped open the door and climbed out, holding out his hand to her. Reluctantly, she slipped her fingers into his, his strong grip sending a shiver of awareness through her.

She bit her lip to keep from visibly trembling.

If Ace were jealous of Lord Somersworth, he didn’t intend to do a thing about it. In fact, he’d encouraged her to accept the other lord’s suit.

Lifting her skirt with her free hand, she started down the steps, her other hand still encased in Ace’s much larger fingers.

“Emily?” her brother asked.

Her chin snapped up, her brother, His Grace, and Lord Somersworth all stood on the top step. “Ken?”

A brick settled in the pit of her stomach.

“What are you doing home early and with him?” her brother barked, trotting down the steps so quickly that she froze halfway down the vehicle’s steps.

Drat. Everyone would soon know that she’d lied.

“Emily?” Mirabelle asked, poking her head out of the carriage. “Is everything all right?”

Her brother skid to a stop, several feet away, staring at Mirabelle. “Who is that?”

“Lady Mirabelle Smith, may I introduce you to my brother, Baron Boxby.” Emily stepped down, Ace’s fingers still firmly holding hers.

“A pleasure.” Mirabelle gave a tentative nod.

Lord Somersworth stepped around her brother and came to her other side, taking Emily’s other hand in his. “Come, Miss Boxby.” His lip curled slightly as he looked at Ace. “We should get you out of the sun.”

Ace’s lips thinned across his teeth as he held her fingers just as firmly, not relinquishing them for the span of several seconds.

Emily held her breath before she finally came to her senses. And with a decided tug, she pulled her hand from Ace’s. He was the one who’d told her to accept the Earl of Somersworth’s suit. Not that there was one, but he didn’t need to know that for now.

She’d arrange a meeting between her brother and Ace for Mirabelle’s sake. And then she never wanted to see Ace again.

Ace brought his sister to their Cheapside home and then started back across town to see the Earl of Easton.

He should be preparing for this meeting with his half-brother.

It had been a shock that Easton had agreed at all. And the fact that he had told Ace that other man was planning something awful.

His brother was sure to try and either verbally or physically best Ace. But all Ace could think about was a brown-haired beauty who’d artfully maneuvered a meeting with him today. He knew very well her brother had not forgotten to send the carriage.

She’d wanted to see him.

And he’d rejected her.

It was for her own good, he reasoned. Marrying a bastard would bring her nothing but heartache.

The idea of her marrying the Earl of Somersworth had cut him into a thousand pieces.

He’d seen the possessive way the other man had taken her hand, glaring at Ace over the top of her head. He wanted Emily for himself and he’d likely get her.

His fist clenched in his lap as he repeated how he didn’t wish to marry.

But the words rang hollow.