Page 14 of Marquess of Fortune

Emily blinked in surprise. On that account she could truthfully plead ignorance. “I have no idea.”

But Mirabelle’s hand was tightening on her arm. “My family needs help, Emily. Do you think—” And then her friend stopped, her lips tugging into a frown. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even ask.”

“Ask what?” Emily covered Mirabelle’s hand with her own. Mirabelle was about to forthright ask for the favor she needed, unlike what Emily had done this afternoon. “You know if there is any way I could help you, I would.”

“Is it possible to plan an evening together? Something that might help my brother. He never asks for it, but I think he might need it.”

Emily drew in a breath. After what she’d done today, it was the least she could do. “I’ll do my very best.”

Mirabelle released a long breath. “Thank you.”

The sound of carriage wheels interrupted them both and they turned toward the door. Lord Smith had arrived.

In moments, he appeared in the doorway.

Emily’s heart stopped in her chest, then stuttered to wildly beat again.

Whatever fiction she’d been attempting to convince herself existed, vanished. This was not about a random man who’d given her a crumb of attention. The sight of Lord Smith’s handsome face, strong jaw, and piercing eyes stole her voice and her reason as she stared up at him, lips parted.

“Miss Boxby,” he rumbled with a short bow. Then he turned to his sister. “Mirabelle.”

“Ace,” Mirabelle replied as she let go of Emily and stepped up to kiss her brother’s cheek.

He dutifully bent down, his features visibly softening. The air rushed from Emily’s lungs. She’d like to see him look at her like that.

“Did you have fun?”

Mirabelle wrinkled her nose. “We feed needy children. It’s rewarding, not fun.”

Lord Smith’s brows lifted. “I see. Apologies for not understanding the gravity of your endeavor.”

Mirabelle swatted at his arm playfully. “I heard you met my friend,” Mirabelle said, turning toward Emily. “Isn’t she wonderful?”

“Quite.” But his face was a blank mask as he turned to look at Emily again.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again as well, my lord,” Emily answered as she swallowed down a lump. Those words didn’t even begin to describe the well of emotion pulsing through her.

Drat it all.

“Emily’s carriage is late.” Mirabelle gave her brother’s arm a squeeze. “Might we escort her home?”

Emily noted the frown that graced Lord Smith’s lips before he covered the look with a blank stare. “I’ve an important meeting that I need—”

“Ace,” Mirabelle chastised, her voice sharp. “I can’t just leave her here.”

“In the company of the headmistress?” Ace’s brows shot up.

“Don’t be a ninny,” Mirabelle replied. “What if there had been an accident with her carriage? What if—”

“Forgive me,” Lord Smith rumbled over his sister, stopping her words. “Of course, we can escort a lady in need. Shall we?”

Mirabelle let go of her brother’s arm and stepped aside for Emily to take her position.

Her plan had worked.

But as she slipped her hand into his elbow, she was fairly certain she’d lost. Because while she knew her feelings from the soiree had been real, she’d learned something else.

He didn’t appear to share them. But even as her chin dipped, she remembered the words he’d said before he’d left with her brother at the ball. The ones where he’d called her pretty and whispered that he’d wished to kiss her.