And then her smile widened. This was her chance.

“We’ve a moment,” she said, glancing up at Lord Smith. “Or two.”

“Do we?” Lord Smith stopped walking and cocked a brow as he glanced down at her. Why did meeting his gaze almost hurt? He was near painful to look at.

She’d do nearly anything to extend this meeting. Even discuss the very topic she’d wish to avoid. What Mirabelle had told her about Lord Smith’s family. “Did you have anything you still wished to ask me?”

Lord Smith glanced quickly at her brother and then back at her. “You’re right. We do.” He stepped in front of her, blocking her brother from view as he leaned closer. “What else has Mirabelle told you besides revealing our parentage?”

Emily swallowed, drawing in a quick breath. She’d started this conversation and so she’d finish it. Would her next words draw him closer to her or push him away? The latter thought made her chest tighten in painfully in her chest.

She’d wished to meet him for so long. Even from afar, he’d stirred something inside her that she wished to explore. Understand.

She’d made the choice to share with him to keep him by her side for a bit longer. She’d so little experience with such things, she hoped she hadn’t just made a grave mistake.