Page 69 of Better to See You

“Similar in height and build to Reyes. Hispanic. Wasn’t dressed as nicely as Reyes. It’s possible he was hired help to keep Sophia alive.”

“You think they planned on returning Sophia? In exchange for the ransom?” The uncertainty of their intent is the primary reason we offered the counter-reward.

“No way to tell. They could have been keeping her alive until payment was received. This place has been deserted for a while. Records show electricity was reconnected to this building three weeks ago. The plan could have been to disconnect service and leave her here to be found years from now.”

“Who owns the property?” Ryan asks.

“Tax deeds are to a Raymond Eardley. He died six months ago. His will is held up in probate. Looks like the suspects searched for property that wouldn’t have an owner coming around. This is far off the road. No neighbors nearby.”

“No one around to hear her scream,” I say. I take in the rundown house, and with all the noise and lights, I swear I can hear her screams.

“Or to see her struggle as they got her into the house,” Ryan adds.

“Any thoughts on motive?” I ask. Why would an up-and-coming business executive do this?

“Track marks could have been to subdue her. Or it’s possible it’s part of a larger human trafficking ring. But she’s not your typical trafficking victim.” Ryland states what we’ve been saying all along.

“I feel like at every turn in this case we have more questions than answers.” Ryan’s hand remains on my back, reassuring me he’s here.

At least now Sophia is safe. I won’t go so far as to say she’s secure. I don’t doubt nightmares will haunt her for years. Unfortunately, depending on what they were shooting into her veins, she might also have to overcome a drug addiction.

Abductors love to foster a drug addiction. The need for the drug becomes so great they quickly instill obedience. The captives will do anything for their next hit, for their next reward.

Jack climbs into the ambulance beside Sophia. He’ll get her the best care money can buy. He’ll see to all of her medical needs. He’ll do everything he can to give her back as much as possible of the life she had, although undoubtedly her innocence is no more. The girl she was died in these shambles. The woman we rescued is the survivor.

The ambulance leaves the scene, taking father and daughter off to fight the next set of battles awaiting the two of them. The FBI will find the man who drove away. With luck, he’ll talk, or Reyes will talk, and all questions will be answered.

Ryan and I hover on the outskirts of the house. I snap a few photographs before Agent Ryland observes me and asks that we clear the scene so as not to risk contamination.

The sedan holding Larry Reyes drives off, transporting him for processing.

Agent Ryland approaches us as the taillights of the unmarked sedan fall out of view.

“Did he say anything?” I ask Ryland. My curiosity is high.

“Requested a lawyer the second his rights were read.”

“Did he seem surprised? When the FBI showed up?” I wish we could have been here to see it all go down.

“Not particularly. For a split second, it looked like he might run, but he was surrounded in the front, and he held his hands up. We’ve got it on a head cam. You can check the video later.”

“One man got away?” Ryan asks. “You think he knew the place was being surrounded?”

“No.” Ryland’s hands rest on his waist, his elbows out to the side. “I think it was dumb luck he left when he did. We got the tags, though. Debated pulling him over, but we opted to not spook the occupants inside the house. We’ll find him.” Ryland oozes confidence. “Also have men inside Larry Reyes’ house in Texas.”

“Did they find anything?” I ask.

“Photos of Sophia on the walls. Her school schedule. Security footage from her home address on his hard drive. He’s going to need that lawyer he requested.”

Agent Liam Ryland looks pleased with himself and the case. He looks like he’s ready to crack open beer and celebrate. Ryan has a more cautious expression. He’s surveying the scene with a grim expression.

My phone rings and flashes my dad’s name. I excuse myself and step away from the activity. For once, I’m thankful for my dad’s call.

“Hey, Dad.”

“News flashed. You’ve got her? Sophia’s okay?”

“Yes.” My dad does care. He can come across like he’s all work, but there’s much more to him. “They took her away to the hospital.”