Page 63 of Better to See You

I motion to Alex to join me outside. We could use some fresh air.

“Do you think he should pay?”

The door clicks closed behind us.

“Depends. If these are professionals, then they will return her. Their business model depends on being trusted. But that’s more what we see internationally. If these aren’t professionals, if this isn’t something they do regularly, then they are more likely to want to dispose of a witness.”

“You keep saying they, but inside they are talking about one man.”

“They have a person of interest. Even if he is upgraded to suspect, he didn’t do this alone.”

I pull out a chair at a round table and motion to Alex to take it, then I take the seat beside it.

“What are you thinking?” She pins me with her gaze, studying me like I am a suspect.

“It doesn’t make sense. The timing. My gut tells me this wasn’t originally designed for a ransom. If that’s your plan, you don’t wait six days. I think there was a different plan, and then all the press broke. Something that happened changed the original plans.”

She leans forward, her elbows on her thighs. The tip of her shoes rubs against mine. I caress her knee, and she looks away.

“Is something wrong? You didn’t say anything the whole way here. Are you seeing someone else?” If she’s cheating on me with someone, this ends right here.

Her irises transition from forest green to a bright, vivid green. The transformation is fascinating to observe. Those lips open, and she sits up straight, reaching her full height.

“On the flight here, I was talking about work with my TA.”

“On a Sunday?”

“Preparing for class tomorrow.” She tilts her head and swallows. She’s not telling me the whole truth. “But what about you? Stella told me she thinks you’re seeing someone in San Diego.” Her hands flatten on her thighs, and her elbows splay out to the sides.

I sit back.Damn. I was right. Alex was mad at me the whole ride down here.

“Why are you looking like that? Do you think this is funny?” She’s agitated. That’s not my goal.

“No.” Movement behind one of the windows catches my attention. We may not have much time. “I’m not dating anyone. I’m from here.”

“Why did Stella—”

“I didn’t know she thought that. I visit San Diego a lot.”

Those dark, arched eyebrows seem to fuse above her nose. She analyzes everything. She’s too smart to buy I visit the city because I like it.

“She also mentioned you dated a woman for a case.”

“And?” Is that judgement? We were tracking a fucking terrorist.

“She said you don’t usually date.”

“She’s right.”

“Why me? Because we’re working a case together?”

I blink away rising frustration. This is one of the reasons I don’t do relationships. I hate bullshit crap like this, but I am smart enough to know stating that out loud won’t win any points with Alex.

“I’ve never dated a woman I worked with before. And to clear up things, I never cared for the woman I dated that Stella told you about. If anything, that was similar to an undercover gig.”

“So, you slept with her for the job?”

“If you want to put it like that, yes. Where is this coming from?” She narrows her eyes. “Are you jealous?”