Page 84 of Locked Box

John began repeating himself but he needn’t have bothered, Max appeared in her line of vision and everything he said became so much meaningless data. Max wore fitted gray wool pants and a collared shirt under a thin sweater with leather elbow patches. His thick hair was swept back and he hadn’t shaved, his stubble, lending him a refined, European look. He was so sharp you could cut your eyeballs on him.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

Somewhere on her left, John snorted. “Is Connor wearing a man-cardigan?”

“A cardigan has buttons down the front,” Julia said numbly. Ash’s strategy hadn’t worked at all. If he was pissed she was talking with John he didn’t show it. He didn’t even seem aware she was in the room. He walked around, shaking hands and clasping shoulders. He laughed at something a blond prosecutor said, throwing his head back so his black hair shone in the light. Attraction, as potent as a nose-full of narcotics ripped through her and in an instant, she knew Max could be fifty and six times divorced and she would still want him. Not that it appeared to matter. She’d blown it after all.

She drained her glass, licking her teeth to offset red wine stains.

“Do you want another drink?” John said with the air of a performer who knew he was losing his audience.

“More than life itself,” she replied. They headed toward the bar. At no point did Max’s eyes glance over to hers. John ordered her another Shiraz and suggested they take a place at the tables where dinner would be served. The thought of trying to eat a three-course meal with Max nearby made her nauseous. “How about we go and get some air first? I feel like I’m drowning in here.”

John grinned. “Sure. Lemme take a piss first.”

Urgh. Unsure of what else to do, Julia followed him toward the bathrooms. John slung an arm around her waist and Max’s gaze snapped toward them. He stared at her, his expression completely unreadable. Unsure of what else to do, Julia let another man sweep her away.

Chapter 23

MAXtried not to crush his beer glass in his bare hand. He’d known showing up with a bare ring finger and a four hundred dollar jumper wasn’t going to get him an immediate “I love you” but he hadn’t expected Julia to ignore him. No, worse than ignore him, flirt with that slimy asshole.

He’d meant to beat her to the party but dressing had taken longer than he expected. Dean had laughed his ass off at his form-fitting clothes, unable to decide if he looked more like a ninja or Zorro, but he wasn’t trying to impress Dean. Julia looked stunning in her white dress, her lips stained red with lipstick or wine.

Stunning and determined to ignore him. He watched as John led her outside, his hand firmly planted where it had no business being, and weighed his options.

In his gut, he knew Julia wasn’t interested in Halloran, but he would be damned if she was going to eat dinner with that prick just to piss him off. He desperately wanted to go outside and muscle between them, but after everything that had happened he didn’t want Julia to think he was some kind of knuckle-dragging caveman…

“Looks like John’s in for a good night,” Sergeant Daly said to his wife. “He’s been after the computer girl all year.”

Max gritted his teeth. On second thought, hefeltlike a knuckle-dragging caveman. He made his decision and followed them out of the ballroom.

To his relief, he found Julia alone in the hallway, leaning against the wall sipping wine. Her eyes were distant and she looked utterly undone. That made things simpler. Max checked his shirt collar, exhaled and strode up to her. “Julia, how’s it going?”

She gave him a smile so dry it could strip wallpaper. “Hey, Maxwell.”

So bratty was how she wanted to play it, huh? He could work with that. “My name’s Max actually.”

“Oh really? I had no idea.”

He leaned in closer. “I’m pretty sure Henrietta has some idea. Considering the way you were screaming it while my tongue was between your legs.”

Julia didn’t even flinch. “That was a week and a half ago. Who can even remember back that far?”

“I can. I don’t think I’ve ever been so desperate to get off in my life.” He brushed a length of silky hair out of Julia’s eyes. “What about you?”

“I’ve been really needy too.” Julia’s tongue traced the curve of her upper lip, red as cherries.

Max’s heart started to pound like a bass drum. “Well, if that’s the case—”

“What do you think about John? He looks like he knows what he’s doing, right? Vagina-wise?”

Max clenched his teeth. “He cheated on his last three girlfriends.”

“Well, at least he’s not super old. That would be gross.”

“Very funny, now can we stop fooling around and talk?”

She patted his arm sympathetically. “I’m sorry, man. You had your chance.”