Page 81 of Locked Box

Max rolled his eyes. “Some things never change. See you later, Bon.”

His ex-wife stood nervously at the door, holding it open for him. “Max?”


“Do you think we could ever be friends again?”

He shrugged. “Ask me again in a few months.”

Bonnie smiled and began to close the door. “Good luck with your girl.”

Chapter 22

JULIAsipped her whiskey, wincing at the sharp burn. After the property office incident she was trying to re-accustom herself with whiskey before Tawny Tiger was the only thing she associated with the word, but so far it wasn’t working.

Ash passed a makeup brush over her chin. “It’s a bit early for highballs, isn’t it?”

“I’m just getting into a party mood.”

“You should already be in a party mood considering the news you got last night.”

“I know.”

“Well then, don’t give me that sad face, woman.”

Julia forced a wide, toothy smile.

“Hideous,” Ash muttered, digging through her makeup bag.

She was right, focusing on her romantic woes when she and Tiff had just been given the biggest opportunity of their lives was pretty pathetic. Scarlet Woman had caught the eye of DMX Industries, the company behind Whisper Droid. Out of nowhere a guy had called Tiff saying he’d played the beta version of their game and wanted their game document. He didn’t care that it wasn’t finished, he just wanted whatever they already had. The very next day he called to say they were being flown, business class, to Sydney to discuss a contract.

Tiff had driven to Brenthill and she, Ash and Julia had played music and drunk cheap wine until the sun came up. The new day brought more than just a queasy stomach. Quick as it had come Julia’s joy reverted to melancholy. After months of blood, sweat and tears the chance of success felt utterly surreal, like someone was holding out a shiny red apple just to snatch it away.

Ash clicked her fingers in front of Julia’s face. “I asked you a question.”


“I said, ‘you’re going to bring every man at this thing to their knees’.”

“That’s not a question. But thanks.”

In light of the good news, she’d violated her personal code and paid full price for a dress to wear to the Brenthill break-up party. It was cream silk and clung to her like water. Paired with silver heels and smoky eyes, she looked better than she had for her university graduation. Overdressed but good. She hadn’t wanted to go to the party but there was no way in hell she was letting Max think she’d skipped it to avoid him. Besides, if she and Tiff did sign the contract DMX made no bones about the fact they’d pretty much own their asses. Her days of solving Brenthill’s technical woes were numbered and with them were her chances of seeing Max.

“So I’m dropping you off and picking you up?” Ash said, butting out her cigarette.


“What if Captain Biceps is there?”

“What if he is?”

Ash pursed her lips. “You might want to go home with him.”


Her sister’s face contorted into what looked suspiciously like sympathy.

“What? What’s that look for?”