Page 66 of Locked Box

Blood rushed to Max’s ever-eager dick. “You liked it, huh? You wanna have a little run-in with the law later, sweetheart?”

Her expression was pained. “But we’re leaving the property office, our deal…”

Max’s caveman brain roared in complaint. “Fuck it. We were owed another day and a half of screwing. Wanna come back to mine?”

Julia beamed, the freckles on her cheeks bunching adorably. “You mean it?”

“Fuck yeah. I wanna keep eating that gorgeous pussy of yours.”

“Shhh.” Julia giggled. “Henrietta’ll hear us.”

“She’s done more than just hear us.”

“I know, but maybe we should concentrate on not getting fired for now and have the sex later, when there aren’t any spectators?”

Max placed her on her feet. “You drive a hard bargain, but I’m willing to compromise.”

Julia picked up her white lace top and pulled it over her head. “So what’s your big plan, Connor? Sexually arouse Henrietta into covering up for us?”

Max flexed like a body builder. “Can’t hurt.”

“You’re not planning on recruiting me for a blackmail threesome, are you?”

He laughed. “Don’t give me ideas. I’m trying to get us out of here with our reputations intact.”

Julia’s flushed. “I know. Thanks for sticking up for me, when she was kind of implying…you know.”

Max’s chest ached. Actually truly ached. “Anytime.” He reached forward and touched Julia’s hair. “What are you doing to me, beautiful?”

“What amIdoing?” she whispered, putting a hand on his chest. “What areyoudoing to me?”

Their hips brushed together and Max felt his heart expand as though Julia was pumping it full of hot air. He cupped her cheek. “You’re fucking incredible. I can’t help doing things to you.”

Julia smiled up at him, her eyes like deep hazel pools. She opened her mouth and a shiver filtered down Max’s spine. Suddenly he knew he didn’t want to hear what she had to say.“Julia—”

“I fucking love you.”

She stared him dead in the face as she said it, no trace of hesitation. Seconds passed like years as he tried to process what had happened. Love. Had she really said she loved him? “I-I…”

“No.” Julia slapped her hand over her mouth. “Ohno. I did not meanthat. I meant because you’re funny and hot…Oh God, fuck me, no.”

Max felt like his head had been placed under the wheels of a monster truck and run over. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve been in here a long time. We’ll blame it on near starvation.”

Julia didn’t respond. She stuffed her bra into her leather satchel and snatched up her flannel.

“I’m getting out of here,” she said, looking about six inches above his head. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

Before he could say anything else, she’d bolted. Max gripped his hair and groaned. What in the fuck had he been thinking, inviting her back to his place for sex? He’d have to end it. Now and not a second later. He’d tell Julia the truth and if she hated him forever, never looked him in the eye again, well, that was how things would have to be.

Man up. Shit happens. Get over it.

He walked toward Henrietta, who was still sitting at the table, and smiled. “Can we talk, just me and you?”

“Of course, Max. Whatever you’d like.”

What he’d really like was a time machine, so he could go back to Brett Davis’ birthday party and punch himself in the balls, but he’d have to settle for keeping his job.

Chapter 19