Page 46 of Locked Box

To her infinite delight, Max’s ears went red. “Uh, yeah. Be back in a sec.”

He staggered toward the drugs room. A few minutes later he shuffled back out, coming to a halt in front of her table.

“Good morning. Afternoon.”

Julia smiled. “I think you already asked that.”

“Oh. Shit.” He yawned. “I’m pretty out of it to be honest.”

“Well, if you want the news updates, today is day two of our entrapment. On the upside, it’s almost mid-afternoon so we’re halfway to freedom. On the downside, we have no food, no coffee, and no toilet.”

Max held up a weary hand. “Jules…”

“You’re not a morning person, huh?”

He shook his head.

“Apologies. I get a huge energy surge when I wake up and it slowly depletes as the day goes on.”

“It’s okay, it’s really…” He yawned again. “Cute. I’m just half-dead.”

He stretched his arms over his head and Julia took advantage of his weary state and eyed off his flawless torso. How could she have ever said she didn’t like chest hair?

“I take it you’re not hungover?” Max asked.

“Not at all, I feel great.”Except for my weird homage-y drawings.

He made a face. “You’re young. No wonder you’re fine.”

“I hear thirty-three is the new twenty-two.”

Max grimaced. “No, it isn’t. Are you working on your game?”

“Nope, just doodling some stuff.”

“Can I see what you’ve doodled?”

Again Julia almost threw her sketchbook across the room. “No, sorry. It’s top secret. You know how it is. Do you want a mint? I hear they’re all the sustenance a growing man needs.”

Max’s face said he thought she was full of shit but thankfully he didn’t press the issue. Instead, he sat down and accepted a mint. Julia watched his lips work, sucking on the sweet the way he’d sucked between her legs and her body warmed. Bad idea or not, she wanted to proposition him again. She cast her mind around for a means to seduction and found she didn’t need one. Max’s gaze was locked on her bra-less nipples, prominent through the lace of her top. She pulled her shoulders back, giving him a better view. “See something you like?”

Max looked away. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Julia trailed her fingers over her collarbone. “If you haven’t got plans, Constable, could I interest you in spending a day in bed with me? Or carpet as it were.”

Max’s expression was pained. “Julia, not this again…”

A pang too visceral to be hunger stabbed her belly. “What are you talking about?”

“Jesus,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. “Last night, what happened between us? I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

She rolled her eyes. This again. “You don’t have to worry about me ‘getting the wrong idea’, Max. I know what casual sex is. I’m not going to start Googling wedding dresses the instant I get a Wi-Fi connection.”

Max’s shoulders tensed. “You’re really okay with everything?”

“We had fun, right?”

“Sure. I guess.”