Page 43 of Locked Box

Julia drew upward, slicking his cock with her juices before sinking down again. Max bit down again, tasting blood in his mouth. Much more of this and he was a dead man.

Julia looked between their legs. “I’m only halfway down? What thehell?”

She blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Seriously, Connor…how d’you ever get your horse-dick inside anyone?”

Max didn’t know when he’d ever felt so shitty about being well endowed. “I’m sorry. I did warn you.”

“I’ve come three times tonight. I’m like a water park down there and thisstillfeels like a reverse sword in the stone situation.”

He chuckled, the humor jarring against his arousal. “Do you want to stop? We can stop if you—”

Julia slid down another inch, stealing his breath away. “Does it feel like I want to stop?”

“Jesus, you have to stop doing that.”

“And give away my new superpower? Never.”

She leaned down and kissed him. “I love it. I love your great big cock, but you’re pushing against some magic spot inside me. I don’t know if I can keep going and not come, crazy as that is.”

Max grinned. “I’ll be honest, that’s not a big concern for me.”

“But I want to fuck you properly and I can’t even get a grip on you, see?”

She flexed around him and Max swore he saw stars. “Sweetheart, you’ve got a grip. Trust me.”And I swear by all that is holy the minute this girl is done riding me I’m never gonna stop eating her pussy to thank her for letting me inside it.

Julia rocked her hips. “Could you maybe…press up inside me?”

“Sure, hang on.”

Max stroked her nipples and circled her clit until Julia was all but convulsing around him. When she was relaxed, he gently pushed upward, gaining another couple of inches. Julia writhed against him and he had to grit his teeth to stop from coming.

He licked his fingers and rubbed the base of his shaft. “I’m gonna go all in, okay?”

“Okay.” There was a determined glint in Julia’s eyes. The kind people had when they were staring up a mountain they intended to climb.

Thinking hard about his car’s make, model, and registration number, Max grasped Julia’s hips and thrust upward. Both of them moaned as he slid deep. It was perfect, more perfect than he’d ever dared to imagine. He needed to get busy before the whole thing was over in seconds. He reached up to stroke her clit but Julia seized his hands and urged him back against the carpet. “I know you want to do your whole caveman thing but can I just…figure this out first?”

“You can have anything you want.”

She rocked slowly until she found a rhythm she liked. Her cheeks and neck flushed red as she rubbed against him with hot, slick strokes.

“Fuck.” She sighed, grinding her clit into his pubic bone. “I could come like this. Don’t move. Don’t move at all.”

As he lay passive for Julia’s pleasure, Max felt incidental,used. Normally he liked to call the shots,control everythingas Bonnie used to say, but right now he was just a hard cock for Julia to screw, a body for her to rake her nails down and the idea fuckingturned him on. He’d never felt anything like it before. What the hell else was Julia capable of?

“Max,” she whimpered. “Can you move now? Not much, just enough to…”

“Get you there?”

She nodded frantically and Max brought his knees up and gently thrust inside her. “Yeah, like that.” Julia rubbed herself against the coarse black hair that covered his groin, her teeth buried deep in her lower lip. “Oh God, I’m coming.”

She threw her head back and shrieked, her pussy suckling at his cock, all but drawing the come from his balls. Max clamped his fingers on her hips and breathed through his nose, holding on to his load by a thread. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Julia’s nails dug into his shoulders. “Take me. Fuck me how you want it.”

Max didn’t hesitate. He turned her on her back and drove into her with everything he had. Julia shrieked like a hurricane, the sound bouncing off the concrete walls. He rutted at her like a mindless animal, intent on nothing but orgasm.Fuck yeah, clamp that tight little pussy around my cock, I’m gonna come so deep inside you, I’m gonna tear you apart—

“Say it, Max. Say whatever you’re thinking.” Julia’s voice startled him out of his daze. He looked down to see her smiling wickedly at him, her apple breasts bouncing with every thrust.