Page 37 of Locked Box

“I don’t need you to jerk me off out of the goodness of your heart.”

“It wouldn’t be a mercy jerk. I want this as much as you do.” She rubbed her palm against the blunt head of his cock. “That’s why I took my pants off before I came here. I was hoping you’d get turned on. I like making you hard.”

“Julia, that’senough.”

Clearly she’d taken the bratty tease act too far. Max released her wrist and clambered to his feet, accidentally kicking her purple torch away. Yellow light flashed around the room like a terrible disco ball.

“Shit, sorry.” He picked up the torch and placed it on the nearby shelf. His pants rode low on his hips, exposing the deep V bracketing his groin. Arousal slammed between her legs and she needed to win him over. Needed to have him inside her, and her best bet was to be the taunting little tease that had gotten him hot in the first place.Desperate times, meet desperate measures.Before she could think about it too much, Julia unbuttoned her flannel.

Max’s expression grew strained. “No, don’t do that.”

Julia ignored him, pulling her shirt open. The air was cool on her bare breasts and her nipples grew hard and sensitive.

“Please tell me you didn’t just do what I think you did,” Max said, holding a hand over his face.

She reclined on the carpet like a bargain-bin playboy model. “Open your eyes and find out.”

With a look close to physical pain, he did. “Oh, baby. That’s fucking perfect.”

Julia flushed. She liked her breasts but they weren’t exactly big. Teacup-tits, Ash called them. “Really?”

“Your breasts are fucking beautiful.”

She passed a hand over them. “You want to touch them?”

His breath seemed to catch in his throat. “You shouldn’t, we can’t…”

Julia parted her legs, letting him see all the way to her damp, silk-covered pussy. “Don’t you want to fuck me, Max? Don’t you want to know how I’d feel clamped around you?”

Quicker than a human should have been able to move, a mountain of muscle and bone bore down on her.

“I know what your pussy feels like,” Max snarled. “And if I fuck you the way I want to right now, you won’t be able to move for a week.”

“I don’t care. Do it.”

He gave her a nasty smile. “We’ll see.”

He moved down her body, seizing her breasts in his rough hands. He pinched her delicate flesh between his thumbs and forefingers and leaned down to lap at the tips, squeezing her nipples with enough pressure to make her whole body spasm. He didn’t get bored or suggest they do something else, just kept toying with her breasts like his goal in life was to drive her completely insane. Julia pleaded with him to touch her pussy, rocking her ass back against the carpet until it burned. Finally, she started swearing, cursing at him to fuck her, to touch her, to dosomething. He ignored her resolutely, backing off whenever she got too close, licking harder when her anger threatened to overwhelm her pleasure. Finally, when she was all but screaming, Max released her, sitting back on his heels and wiping his mouth. “You like that?”

Julia could only pant with single-minded horniness. Her nipples were raspberry red and stinging with the need to be stimulated again.

Max grinned. “Yeah, you liked that, though maybe not toward the end, huh?”

He passed a hand over her areolas, making her gasp. “You wanna play this game, sweetheart? You wanna make my dick hard and turn me into a fucking animal? Then you need to understand I can make pleasure hurt twice as bad as pain and Ilovemaking horny little brats beg for mercy, so you need to watch what you say to me, pretty girl. Is that clear?”

Julia nodded.

“Good.” Max smirked, a terrible, arrogant, glorious smirk. If someone told her the price for that smirk was staying in the property office for a week, she’d pay it. This was better than food. Better than freedom.

“Lie still.” He leaned down and sucked on her nipple, the hot pressure making her back arch up against the carpet. He pulled away with a wet pop, rubbing a thumb over his lower lip. “Now there’s something else we need to figure out.”

Julia wasn’t sure what he wanted her to figure out, aside from the fact that she was going to have a fucking aneurysm if he didn’t touch her soon, but she whispered, “What is it?”

Without breaking eye contact, Max reached down and unzipped his fly, tugging his uniform pants down to his knees. His briefs were taut against his powerful thighs, navy cotton with a silvery waistband. He squeezed his cock through his underwear, and Julia’s mouth fell open. “Fucking hell.”

“Yeah, I figured you could use a warning.”

She sat up, inspecting him with something close to wonder. She remembered him beingbigbut it looked like he had an aerosol can in his pants.