Page 32 of Locked Box

“What the hell?” Max sputtered. “Julia!”

“You want me! I know you do. Why are you fucking me around like this?”

“I’m fuckingyouaround?” Max’s glared down at her. “I’ve had enough. We’re both drunk, we’re locked in a fucking room at work. I don’t want this to happen.”

Julia looked pointedly at his erection.

He rolled his eyes. “I haven’t gotten laid in a while. I’m a man, of course if you crawl all over me I’m gonna get hard. It doesn’t mean I want to fuck you.”

She felt herself go blank, like a TV whose plug had been pulled.

Max covered his eyes. “Sorry, that was a dick thing to say. It’s just—”

“I get it.” Julia’s entire body was clammy, as dull as it had been electric before. “I’m going to bed.”

“Jules I didn’t mean to…”

Max’s voice trailed off, but she filled in the gaps herself.I didn’t mean to hurt you. Mislead you. Be seduced by you and have to shove you away like the overeager skank you are.

She held up a hand. “It’s okay. Seriously, let’s go to sleep.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked. “Do you want to talk about this?”

“I cannot think ofanythingI want to do less. Where’s the carpet I’m sleeping on?”

“I dragged it into the second aisle. That okay?”

“Peachy. Have a good night.”

She strode past him, as nonchalantly as she could manage.

Max grabbed her arm, his warm fingers engulfing her wrist. “Jules…”

She glared up into his stupid handsome face, daring him to say something else. He let go. “I left you a towel if you want it. A clean one.”

It was on the tip of Julia’s tongue to tell him and the towel to go fuck themselves but she’d regret it when she was freezing her ass off. “Thanks.”

She ducked in between a row of household appliances and luggage to find her bed, a scratchy-looking carpet, and a mission brown towel. Julia sighed and stripped off her jeans. Her panties were ridiculously damp, a humiliating reminder of her stupid, impulsive behavior. What had he said she was doing? “Crawling all over him.” Like some kind of arachnid whore. Julia shuddered.

“I’m turning the lights and the music off,” Max called in a forced cheery voice like he was her camp counselor.

“Sure.” Julia lay down on the carpet, ten times scratchier than she’d feared, and everything around her went dark. Her stomach growled, anxious for a dinner that wouldn’t come. Her mouth was sour but there was no chance of brushing her teeth, no chance of doing anything except enduring this horrible situation.

She listened as Max settled into his “bed” a few aisles away. “Uh…sleep well,” he said in that same awkward tone.

Julia didn’t reply. What was there to say?“I hate you for rejecting me. I hope you have nightmares”?

She listened to the sound of water dripping somewhere above her and knew it was going to be a long, long night.

Chapter 9

MAXlay on his back staring up at the ceiling. He’d always been a sound sleeper, able to doze off without the slightest issue but it had been over an hour and he couldn’t fucking sleep. As much as he wanted to blame his insomnia on his inevitable hangover, he knew exactly what was keeping sleep at bay. He would be wondering if Dean was destroying all his possessions and then he would hear Julia whisper,“I came so hard when you put your big thick fingers in me.”

He’d recall her flushed cheeks, her stiff nipples straining through her top, then he’d raise his hand and smell the scent that lingered on his fingers and get hard enough to set off a metal detector. Then he’d feel like scum, swear to stop, force himself to think about something else and then thoughts of her inevitably flooded him again. After a while, he was in a state of perpetual arousal, balls drawn tight to his body, blood pounding in the head of his cock, his brain so full of what had and hadn’t happened he couldn’t process anything else. “I like being spanked. If you’re with the right guy it feels so good…”

Max squeezed his cock through his pants, slipping his second hand down to cup his balls. Did she really like being spanked or was she fucking with his head? When he’d had her up against that wall, he’d been ready to tear her entirely too-tight pants off and bury himself inside her. Ready to wrap her hair around his wrist and make her count each thrust so she knew exactly how many strokes it took for her to cream all over his cock. Then if she got to fifty without finishing he’d pull out and spank her pretty little ass raw. Max swore, clenching his fists at his sides. He’d turned Julia down because he wanted to avoid complications, not jerk off about her in the dark. He liked Julia, liked who she was as a person. He’d had fun sitting on the floor talking and getting drunk. If he was smart, he’d have kept his hands to himself, but no, he’d stoked the fires of their mutual attraction and had the nerve to be surprised when everything burned up.

It was worth it to see her come, watch her nipples go hard and her mouth fall open. The way she arched her back up, making those soft little noises, begging me for more…