This wasn’t a shocking development. James could do anything and girls would pant after him; croquet, badminton, close-up magic, but combine his devastating looks with yoga prowess and Charlie might as well hand him a cookbook and a newborn puppy and declare him the most appealing man alive.
Maybe his next girlfriend will be someone he meets here. A singer like Beth or a journalist like Eden. Maybe you broke through his barrier and now he’s all primed and ready for a real relationship with someone else.
Charlie supposed she should be happy for James if that was the case but the thought hurt too much. She shoved it aside and went on with her class. During the final meditation session, she felt a strange pressure caressing her skin and opened her eyes a fraction to see him smiling at her, his gaze more intense than ever. James glanced at her feet then back up again and Charlie’ almost gasped aloud.
Oh my God, we had sex in this room. We had unprotected sex on the carpet where Mrs. Wilson is sitting. Why have I not remembered that until now?
With a face burning like a live coal, she gave the final mantra and dismissed the class. She let her usual students swamp her with questions, figuring if he wanted to talk to her, he’d stay. Sure enough, once all the people had filtered out of the room, she looked over to see him still seated on his mat, chatting to the older woman beside him. Heart in her throat, she approached. “Hey, James.”
His smiled almost liquefied her entire body. “Hey, Charlotte.”
What are you doing here?“Thanks for coming to my class, you’re a natural.”
“Been practicing. Didn’t want to show up here all incompetent.” He gestured to the tall blonde woman beside him. “Charlotte, this is my sister Kelsey.”
For a moment, Charlie feared James’ sister had come to kick her ass, but realized no one had to sit through an entire yoga class to do that. Kelsey smiled at her. She and her brother looked remarkably alike.
“How do you do?” she said, holding out a hand. “James has told me plenty about you.”
Charlie accepted her hand, it was big and work-worn. They shook. “All good things, I hope?”
Good things, Bell? Like your rape fantasies and telling her brother he was an emotional basket case? Things like that?
“Better than good.” Kelsey clambered to her feet. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna call Debbie, tell her she was wrong about me being able to hold up my own body weight.”
“You did very well today. You have excellent upper body strength.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t go that far.” Kelsey’s wry look was so reminiscent of James, Charlie had the urge to hug her and tell her she could doanythingif she tried. Kelsey swaggered out to the reception area and it was just her and James standing in the room where they’d once made love.
“How have you been?” she asked, feeling bashful and silly.
“Good, staying out of trouble. What about yourself?”
I walk around a lot and I think about you all the time and three days ago I made a gingerbread dough that wouldn’t roll out properly so I cried.“I’ve been good.”
James smiled and her heart started leaping around her chest. So much for her space, so much for her self-control.
Okay, so I’m a complete sucker for him. I’ve always been a sucker for him.
“I’m glad I made it to one of your classes. You can tell you love it. Yoga, I mean.”
“Really?” She thought it had been one of her weaker lessons. God knows, she’d been distracted as hell.
James nodded. “It’s all over your face. The way you move…It’s beautiful.”
Charlie didn’t know what to say. “Thank you.”
He leaned in closer, but not as though he wanted to kiss her, as though he wanted her to see every single part of him.
“Is it okay if I keep coming to your classes? I brought Kelsey today so you wouldn’t think I was stalking you, but I’m happy to keep coming on my own. If you’re happy to see me?”
Charlie knew what he was really asking; was he allowed to reintroduce himself into her life? Uncertainty stung in her chest. Did people ever really change? But he wasn’t asking for a date or a screw or a ring, he was extending an olive branch and Charliewantedto accept it. She wanted to see him more than she’d ever wanted anything. “Sure.”
He grinned. “Cool. Want to go get a coffee or a swamp tea or something?”
Charlie’s heart ached but she knew what her answer needed to be. “Maybe next time? I have to wipe down the mats.”
James smiled his beautiful smile. “Sure thing. Whatever you want. I’ll see you soon.”