Page 112 of Degrees of Control

He gave her a smile that said she was cute, but he was still very confused. “How d’you…do all this so quickly?”

“I’ve been working on it all night,” Charlie said, unable to keep the smugness from her voice. She was notorious for falling asleep in cinemas after sunset.


“Willpower. Also, I had about fifty coffees. That weird American percolator stuff.”

James looked alarmed. “Oh baby, you don’t even drink tea.”

“I know. I’m shaking, see?” She held up her hand to demonstrate. “Now, I’m gonna go so you can look at the book.”

The humor faded from James’ face. “Can I tell you that I’m sorry before I read?”

“Yes, and I really appreciate you saying that so much, but I think the problem is that you don’t know that you’re a good man or that I’m strong enough to handle you at your worst. That’s what the book is about.”

She reached up and tapped the cover. “Read it.”

He opened his mouth and then looked down at the leather notebook. “Okay.”

“Good.” Not wanting to give him another opportunity to launch into apologies, she moved toward Kelsey’s front door and opened it. She didn’t know what state James would be in when he finished the book, but she knew she was done putting off this conversation. Yes she was a kinky submissive freak, but she was also his girlfriend dammit and he wasn’t allowed to go wallowing in self-pity anymore. At least not without her putting on her bikini and jumping in after him.

She found Kelsey sitting at her kitchen bench, drinking the same thick dark coffee Sophia had made her. As always, she looked so much like her brother it made her heart clench. “Hey, Kelsey.”

James’ sister turned and smiled at her. “Hey Charlotte, want a cup?”

“No thanks, I’m pretty sure it would kill me.” She gave into the instinct to walk over and hug Kelsey’s back. “Thanks so much for messaging me about James.”

“Anytime,” Kelsey said gruffly. “You hungry?”

“God yeah, I haven’t eaten anything for…” she did the mental maths. “Ten hours. And I’ve been awake this whole night.”

“Sounds awful. Sit down, let me get you somethin’ to eat.”

“That would be great.”

Charlie, who knew all about the Hunter’s proclivity for lard, butter, eggs, biscuits and bacon, crossed her fingers and hoped Kelsey remembered she didn’t eat animals so she wouldn’t have to be a dick and refuse to eat her food. To her surprise, Kelsey pulled out a jug of translucent milk and a tray of chocolate cupcakes that looked…

“They’re vegan,” Kelsey confirmed. “Almond milk and almond meal cupcakes. Debbie made ‘em before she left. Apparently vegans like almonds.”

“We do!” Charlie said with delight. “Thank you so much.”

“Anytime.” Kelsey opened her mouth as though to say something else, then she closed it, exactly the way James did when he didn’t want to discuss his feelings. Charlie knew the trait well enough to know if she kept quiet, there was a good chance Kelsey might speak up on her own. She sat on one of the kitchen stools and allowed Kelsey to give her a glass of milk and four whole cupcakes. She picked one up and licked at the icing. “This is really good.”

“It’s all Debbie.”

“I’ll ask her about the recipe when she gets back. Are you guys still thinking about replanting the front—”

“Do you know how lucky you are?”

Charlie almost spat out her cupcake. “Pardon?”

Kelsey’s face was bright red, but when their eyes met, she said it again. “Do you know how lucky you are?”

Charlie put down the cupcake. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

“To have James.” Kelsey jerked a thumb at the porch. “I know you care about him, but I know relationships can’t be unbalanced. James worships you and I think it’s almost time for him to lay all his cards down. He won’t ask, but I need to know; do you feel lucky to have him? Does he make you happy? Are you proud to call yourself his?”
