“Blood is blood,” she said. “You can’t hide who you are.”
James closed his eyes. “Wish I’d never gotten that done.”
“No you don’t. You’re a Hunter and so am I, it’s our name every bit as much as it’s theirs. It’s our family and where we came from. You got the ink because you understood that. That doesn’t mean you have to like every part of the family, but you don’t have to be ashamed either. Think of it the way I do—the bad stuff is a muck-hole in an otherwise decent garden and you’re one of the good ones.”
James laughed as he wiped away the leakage from his right eye. “You know, the other reason I didn’t want to come to Christmas is because Charlotte wants revenge. The only time I’ve ever seen her get worked up is when we talk about Meghan. I don’t think she could look at her without asking her how she sleeps at night.”
“Don’t blame her one bit.” Kelsey gently shook him off. James let go, thinking their hug was over. He was surprised when Kelsey stood and pulled him into her arms. She hugged him hard against her chest. “Sorry for goin’ to Christmas and not punchin’ Meghan in her stupid face.”
“Sorry for not going and leavin’ you there.”
“It wasn’t so bad with Debbie and the kids. Izzy and Angus want to know their grandparents and I can understand why. Seein’ them despite all the bullshit they put me through is a price I choose to pay, but I’ll say it again. What happened to you was worse and I don’t love you any less for choosin’ to keep your distance.”
“Thanks, Kels.”
She squeezed him tight and then let go, stepping back to look him in the eye. “Your life is your revenge.”
“Your life is your revenge. I saw Meghan at Christmas; she’s a howlin’ bag of hot air. She and Will hate each other and it’s eatin’ her alive that she’s getting old, seein’ as her looks were the only thing that stopped people throwin’ shoes at her in the street.”
James smiled. “That’s fairly accurate.”
“I know it is. Look, what I’m sayin’ is you’re not gonna end up like that. You’re putting in the work to have a good life. You know you only came up once at Christmas lunch. Mom was doin’ her‘woe is me, all my babies ain’t here fawnin’ over me’thingand Will made some crack about you bein’ laid up drunk somewhere and Matthew and Sarah started in as well.”
“Great.” James could just picture the scene. His wine-drunk siblings talking shit about him while their mother shushed them, secretly loving it.
“Just listen to what I have to say,” Kelsey said. “They were bitchin’ so bad that Debbie pulled out her phone and started showin’ everyone Charlotte’s Instagram. Lo and behold, you weren’t drunk off your ass, you were surfin’ on the beach with your pretty girlfriend and her family.”
He grinned. “Everyone shut up?”
“Right the fuck up. But I think Debbie was looking for a way to piss ‘em off because she kept scrolling, showin’ them pictures of you and Charlotte on dates and hiking and cookin’ in that little blue kitchen. Eventually, Meghan asked her to stop.”
“They can’t be jealous of me working at a garage and living in a tiny apartment,” James protested.
“They ain’t, they’re jealous because you look happy. Youarehappy. You’re far away and you don’t need their approval. You used to be a slut and a pain in the ass—”
“—but now you’re just a happy guy living a good life with his girlfriend while they’re rich and miserable and trying to blot it out and it never ever works. You don’t need revenge. You don’t need to do or say anythin’ more. You’ve got everything you need to win, you just need to accept that you’ve got it.”
A car began rolling up the driveway. Not Debbie’s blue Honda, but a white Nissan.
“Who’s that?” James asked.
“That would be your fiancée, or future fiancée, I guess.” Kelsey patted him on the back. “If you wanna go brush your teeth, now would be the time to do it.”
James stood frozen on the spot, not thinking, not even breathing. “You called her?”
“Naw, her and Debbie are friends on Snapchat. Is it friends if it’s not Facebook? I don’t know, she’d got her on there though. Debbie told her when you arrived last night. She was beside herself worried about you but she felt better knowin’ you were here with us.”
“This can’t be happening.”
“It is.” Kelsey gave him another pat on the back. “You still got that ring on you?”
It was in his jeans pocket, where it had been for the last six months. “This isn’t the right time for that.”
“If you say so. I’ll let you two talk. Sing out if you need anything.”