“Brought you under my enchantment, of course. The perfect solution.”

“No.” I shake my head, a lump forming in my throat. “You can’t do this. No…”

“It’s already done. I was only waiting for you to wake up, see the boys, listen to me telling you what is going on… Before you forget it all.”

“No! You can’t. You can’t!” I’m already swinging my legs off the bed, intent on fleeing the room, as if putting physical distance between me and her would have any effect on the magic.

The magic that wraps around me, paralyzing me—no, not paralyzing, only removing any desire to get up, any motivation. Any thought and memory.

The wave closes over me. Dark water.

I’m sitting on a bed, gazing at a girl who kind of looks like me and four boys standing in a row between me and the door, their faces handsome and still, eyes flat like mirrors.

Silence spreads.

I look down at myself, at the long black dress I’m wearing, at my hands, small and pale in my lap. I glance back up, confused.

“Hey,” the girl says.

“Hey,” I say back. “Who are you?”