“You try to link with them in this form, Ophelia,” Vanessa says coldly, “and you’ll lose what little sanity you have left. Whether you’re the Queen or not, you’re rushing. You haven’t even completed the Ritual of the Wind, and you haven’t led them into this one gently as one should. You wrenched them into beast form and then into the mind-meld. If they go crazy or die, so will you, unless you prepare properly.”

“Damn,” Ophelia grunts. “Damn you all.”

Exactly my thoughts, which are still drifting as I watch the three girls hash this out. I know it has to do with me, with us, but I find it hard to care. My dragon body feels so heavy it might as well be sinking into the soft earth.

“You’ll let them go?” Mia demands.

Ophelia spine goes rigid. “Only because I don’t like working with an audience.”

“Audience?” Vanessa mutters. “Us?”

“Not you. Heaven’s sake. Are you blind?”

From the corner of my eye, I see a crowd approaching. Vampires, werewolves, fae, and demons, groups of them, whispering to each other, their eyes wide.

I breathe out a thin wisp of smoke and close my eyes as the pain releases my mind, and I let go, falling into nothingness.