It occurs to me that I keep kneeling for them, all of them, and I realize that it makes me stronger, not weaker. My choice, to pleasure them, to serve them. After all, I’ve always thought that the strongest alphas are those who give to their lovers instead of taking.

He makes a sound as I slide my lips over his length, a soft, bitten-off moan that I feel right in my own cock. His head is bowed forward, eyes half-closed, that damn blond hair in his face, making the line of his jaw and neck all the starker in their clean beauty.

He’s taken off his T-shirt, his pants, his briefs, and his muscular body has the fine sheen of sweat, muscles defined, small tremors going through him as I start to suck in earnest.

Damn hot.

What is it about these guys, so strong and yet so vulnerable, playing on all my weaknesses, all the parts of me dictating that I need to protect and pleasure and own them?

I keep my eyes on him as I go to town, dragging my tongue stud along the underside of his dick, sucking on the head, jabbing at the small slit with the tip of my tongue, then deepthroating him.

Fuck, the sounds he makes… Soft and bitten off, restrained. I want to break that control, I want him to get so loud they hear him down the corridor. I want Mia to hear us, dammit, to be here with us—

Fucking stop thinking.

I drop my hand to my cock as I suck, so damn hard I’m about to burst, the piercings pulling as I beat my meat, the slight sting giving an edge to the pleasure, turning it sharper, deeper. It’s not just the piercings, I realize after a moment, not just the act of giving head that has me so aroused. It’s also his magic.

I feel it touching mine. It’s as if they’re entwining, twisting together, connected as we are right now on the physical plane, like they’re trying to click together, bond, but can’t.

Still, it feels good. His magic is earth and I’m fire, and we shouldn’t fit together at all but it somehow works because it’s all part of the fucking circle of life, ain’t it?

It sounds like something out of a goddamn children’s musical.

But it’s true and as his cock hits the back of my throat, as he groans like he’s dying, thrusting into my mouth, gripping the edge of the mattress as he starts to come, as my cock jerks in my hand and spills, the pleasure throttling me, I know this is a part of the answer.

A circle. We’re part of one. Whoever closes this circle will have the power.

The power…

He falls back on my bed, panting. “Holy shit,” he says, his voice strangled. “That was…”

“…best blowjob you ever had in your whole fucking life?” I suggest, slowly dragging myself up so that I can fall on the bed beside him. “I know.”

“Arrogant, much?”

“I know my skills.”

He huffs in laughter. Damn, his dimples are cute.

“So what did we do last time?” I breathe, drowsy. “When I came to distract you.”

“We cuddled,” he says and winks at me.

“Dammit. I’ll never know the truth, will I?”

“Who says it’s not the truth?”

“Even worse. Are you serious?” When he keeps grinning, I wince. “Just don’t tell anyone.”

“Your secret’s safe with me. I’ll be silent as the grave.”

“Are you laughing at me?”

He shrugs. “Get some sleep while you can. It’s late.”