Page 143 of Of Witches and Queens



“Arawn. I’m stuffed.” I lie back on the mattresses where we now sleep and stretch until my back pops. “Ate too much.”

“Yeah, that was damn good for an Academy dinner.” Emrys burps.

I throw a crumb at him. “Barbarian.”

He opens his mouth and pretends to catch and swallow it.


He shoves me aside. “Make space. I want to lie down, too. Training was brutal.”

“Another match coming up?” Mia licks her fingers—she’s been eating a sticky cake and I sit up and pull her hand to me, ignoring her squeak, to lick her fingers myself. “Sin…”

I suck her finger into my mouth and she snickers. “Mmm…”

“I want to lick other parts of her,” Jason mutters.

“Digesting first, licking later,” she says, her cheeks reddening and I laugh, giving her thumb one last long lick.

I fucking love how she has relaxed around us and says things like that.

Love her.

Love them all.

“Sin. You all right in there, buddy?” Jason nudges my thigh with his foot. “You got that blank look and goofy smile on your face. This isn’t some new enchantment we should know about, is it?”

“Shut up.” I slap at his foot. “Not funny, wolf.”

“Sorry.” He shoots me an unrepentant grin, all deep dimples. “Got your attention, though.”

“You have my attention, Jax. Always.”

His grin turns into a smile and he ducks his head. “You shut up.”

He’s kind of adorable when he’s not insufferable, always caught off-guard by kindness and affection. He deserves all of it. One day he won’t be shocked by it anymore, I swear.

“So…” Emrys lies back, too, lacing his hands behind his head. “Your father is the Headmaster, huh, girl?”

Mia looks flustered, putting down the piece of bread she’s been chewing on. “Uh, yeah? I was going to tell you guys as soon as the enchantment let up, but—”

“Come here, you.” I grab her and haul her to lie down beside me, my arm around her. “Nobody said that you did anything wrong.”

“No, I was just wondering what sort of creature he is,” Emrys says.

“And if you can blackmail him into giving us good grades.” Jason winks.

“Ignore the wolf. He’s in puppy mood today.” Emrys huffs. “I felt the man’s magic and it was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”

“He’s an angel,” she says quietly.

“I knew he was rubbing me the wrong way,” Emrys mutters.

“It’s not like that.” Mia curls up against my side like a kitten. “He’s an elemental, too. Just… different. He knows things.”