Page 133 of Of Witches and Queens



I wake up feeling like a fucking truck run me over—then reversed and backed over me again. Every muscle in my body aches like a motherfucker, and my head is pounding.

Hangover, I think. With drugs. And maybe I was in a fight after, and someone punched me in the face. I should find out who it was. That asshole threw a hell of a punch.

But then I roll my head to the side and discover that I’m not in my bed, or any bed. I’m on a mattress on the floor, made up as a bed—a collection of mattresses, in fact, maybe three or four, taking the whole length of the room, and the guys are lying there, fast asleep, Mia in the middle.


I sit up and blink, trying to remember how this happened even as my mouth tugs in a grin.

Ashton is lying beside me. He’s snoring softly, chest rising and falling. He has an arm around Mia. On her other side is Jason, facing me, mouth slightly open. I think he’s drooling a little. And then Sindri, one leg thrown over Jason’s, hair in his eyes.

Mia meets my gaze with a smile of her own and winks.

I swallow laughter. How…? What happened…? I feel as if a huge weight has lifted off my chest even though I don’t know how we got here. The last days are a wall of mist.

She reaches over Ashton’s head and wiggles her hand at me. I catch her fingers and a surge of magic goes through me, clearing my head from the dusty cobwebs.

Whoa. Damn.

She’s still smiling, her smile gentle and serene, while the past few days and weeks return to me like bullets, sharp bits and pieces wedging themselves inside my head, one after the other.

Ophelia. The enchantment. The shapeshifting. The escape from the room. Finding Mia again. The ritual. Flying into the sky.

“It’s all right,” Mia whispers, as if seeing the same images, feeling the same despair I did. “There was a happy ending.”

“Yes,” I breathe. “Here, with you. All of you.”

“That’s right.” Something shifts in her dark gaze and I realize she’s glanced down where the covers have rolled down my chest when I sat up. Way down. My dick is winking at her and as I gaze back at her, it starts to stiffen.

She’s naked. The covers have fallen down just enough to show me one of her breasts and damn, I feel like I haven’t touched her in months.

I lick my lips. I want her more than ever.

But Ashton stirs beside me, blinking groggily up at me. “Rys?”

“Rise and shine, child of the night,” I mutter.

“Isn’t that a contradiction?” he says with a yawn.

I roll my eyes. “Even half-asleep he has opinions on linguistic matters,” I grumble and that has the effect of making him smirk and open his eyes fully.

He stretches and winces. “Did you take the number of the car that ran us over?”

“I thought you were the one driving,” I say.

“Fuck you, Rys.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Ladies first.” I gesture at Mia and Ashton’s eyes go dark and narrow.

“Indeed. Good idea.”

But Mia does the thing with the hand-holding again and I’m in a vantage position to see the moment Ashton goes rigid and bites back a gasp as the memories hit.

Once it’s done, he tugs her against his side and nuzzles her neck, making her squeak. Then his arm wraps around my neck sneakily and hauls me against his other side.