“Right.” I blink up at the ceiling as Emrys curls a muscled arm under my head and rests his head on my shoulder. “Resting.”

“We don’t have much time,” Emrys rumbles, “so listen. My mind only clears when she is focused on another one of us. She has some trouble keeping us all under her fucking control. We are, after all, powerful elementals and she is only one person.”

“The Queen,” I whisper. “Come to save us.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He lifts his head, dark brows drawing together. “Damn, the enchantment is strong in you.”


“She has us trapped like flies in honey. You went against her magic, so she tightened her net around you.”

“Your metaphors are all mixed up,” I mutter.

“Shut up and listen. She’s doing something to us, sucking out our magic to feed her own. Most of the time we don’t know what she’s doing to us. The enchantment muddles our thoughts, makes us think it’s her we want, covers up the rest so we don’t even know what’s happening.”

“That’s… impossible,” I breathe even as I recall the piece of paper, the girl in my classroom, and I know he’s right, and… “Wait, I remember, I was with Mia just — What the fuck?” I jerk on the bed as the pain hits, scrabbling for purchase. I’m shaking like a fucking leaf. “Holy ow, dammit.”

“Goddamn you, Ash, look at me.” He grabs my face, turns it so that I’m staring right into his dark eyes. “You’re not paying attention.”

“What do you want me to do?” I hiss.

“Write yourself a message, hide it somewhere where you will stumble upon it, only you, not Ophelia. A place where you’re guaranteed to look sooner or later, written on something that can’t be easily destroyed.”


“Because you will forget this conversation, fucker. You will forget all I’ve told you. You will forget the truth.”

“No, that’s… That’s insane.” I groan, arching as the pull on my magic increases. “Nobody’s strong enough to manipulate others’ minds like that… It’s not possible.”

Faint memories are rising to the surface, though—Emrys and Jason walking over to Ophelia, saying over and over again that she will save them.

She’ll save us. The Queen. She’s here to help us.

No, that doesn’t make sense. Mia—

I’m shaking so hard my teeth are clamoring in my mouth, my bones aching as what I’m starting to recognize as a shift comes over me, trying to turn me into a beast.

“Shit, fucker, you’re still not distracted enough. Looks like drastic measures are needed.” His hand trails over my chest and pushes into my jeans. Unerringly it finds my cock and wraps around it, strong, long fingers. The shock of pleasure mingles with the pain and splinters my mind.

“Fuck!” I look down, where his hand starts to move inside my pants, tugging, squeezing with the right amount of pressure. “Oh hell.”

“Distracted now, at last?”

“You think,” I pant, “that your hand on my dick is enough to take my mind off her?”

“No, but my mouth may be.” He grins a little. “It’s worth a try.”

“And you think that you going down on me will help me remember what you said?”

“Probably not, but I’ve been dying to do it for ages.”

And after blowing my mind with those words, he pulls his hand out of my jeans and flicks the buttons open, one-handed.

In one movement, he yanks my pants down and sits on his heels, dangerous-looking, powerful like the dragon that he is and handsome as all hell, and I’m too damn shocked to do anything about it.

Why would I want to, anyway?

My mind keeps slipping, as does my memory. Holy fuck, is he right? Is there a spell on me? Fragments of sensations and images return—me, pushing Emrys against the wall, kissing the hell out of him, touching him with Mia watching—