Page 122 of Of Witches and Queens



“I feel her,” I murmur, leaning against Emrys in the room they put us in. It’s some sort of storeroom with no windows. It’s damn cold and stuffy inside. I swear there isn’t enough oxygen.

Or maybe it’s the enchantment, slamming back down on our minds like a hammer, leaving us stunned, lying around, trying to get our bearings.

Though it’s not as bad as the other times, that’s for sure. The fog on my mind is heavy but it’s not total. I know who I am, who the others are, why we’re here. What happened.

Who Mia is. And I miss her. I want to see her.

But the feelings are muted, faded like old photographs.

Emrys grunts when I sit up, elbowing him in the ribs in the process. “What’s up?”

“There has to be a way out of here.”

“We tried the door, man,” he says. “We tried brute force, we tried magic. It’s demonblood again. Betcha five bucks she got Ashton’s buddy there, Percival, to shed all the strong demonblood left in the Academy to lock us up as tight as a nun’s ass.”

“Love your use of simile,” Ashton mutters. “You surprise me, Rys. So poetic.”

“Fuck you, Ash.”

“Don’t you wish.”

The banter falls short, though, all of us glum.

“You all thinking of Mia?” I mutter.

They nod.

“I can’t stop thinking about her,” Ashton says, rubbing the back of his neck. “And not just her body. It’s… all of her. I feel good with her, I feel—”

“—accepted,” Sindri says. “Wanted. More than that. Not forgiven but—”

“—but she believes the best of us,” Emrys says, “like she can’t believe we’d ever commit a crime or hurt anyone, and she’s just—”

“—the best thing that ever happened to us,” I finish. “It’s the fucking truth. I love her.” I swallow hard because it’s still hard to admit. “I really love her.”

“Join the club,” Emrys growls. “I’ve fucking loved that girl from the start.”

“And hid it well.” Sindri grins. “Well, it’s no secret I’m in love with her. Ash?”

“Head over heels,” he whispers.

I lean against the wall of the room. It’s barely two-by-two, with a bucket for us to piss and shit in—but I can’t even remember the last time we ate, so maybe that’s not an issue.

No air, no food, and a dumbing enchantment to boot. Could be the fucking reason why I feel so unsteady.

What time can it be? Once more we’re locked up with no way of keeping track of the time passing. I could have sworn we’ve been here for days and nights. The only light comes from under the door, a crack through which a trickle of air and light enters.

“There are two guards outside,” Sindri says. “Air creatures. Fae. I can feel them.”

“And a key in the lock. Just great. I can unlock the door,” I mutter. “I can feel the iron of the key and the lock. But that leaves the demonblood spell.”

“Yeah, just a minor fucking detail,” Emrys says. “I doubt we have any time left, anyway. You—fuck it, Ash, watch where you’re going. My legs aren’t the floor.”

“I noticed,” Ashton says drily. “But you feel it, right?”