Page 120 of Of Witches and Queens

I step back as the blank-faced army of students advances on us. “Lia…”

“It reeks of sex in here. You really shouldn’t have done this, Maddie.” She sneers at me and takes a step closer, lifting a hand. She’s going to slap me, I think. But she only tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, a parody of Emrys’ earlier gesture. “Shouldn’t have gone into the trouble of recharging the boys’ magic—again! It’s just too kind of you. Saving me so much work. To be honest… I had sort of hoped you’d do it when I heard the boys had escaped. Couldn’t have planned it better myself. You see, that’s why I never fucked them, cousin. I would have depleted my power when I will need all the magic for tomorrow’s ritual.” She flicks her hand at her followers. “Guys, take her.”

“You can’t,” I grind out as hands close around my arms, dragging me toward the door. I see the students swarming into the room, grabbing the boys. “You can’t do this!”

“Watch me. Oh, boys? Better not resist or I’ll hurt your precious little witch here. Hear me? Good. Let’s go, then.”

I’m too shocked to feel much. Too numb. “What will you do to us?”

“Pft, don’t look so shocked. I’ll lock you up again, of course. Separately. With extra locks and extra spells and guards. The works. Enough of this nonsense. Enough risks. Only one day to get through. I only have to rebuild the enchantment on the five of you and we’re ready to roll. Tomorrow night can’t come fast enough.”

Is there a point where you give up? Where it’s all too much, all the failures, where you tell yourself, enough, I can’t go on?

I’m dragged along the paths of the Academy, aware that, once we reach the room that will be my prison for the day, Ophelia will take over my mind, erase my memories and feelings and everything that makes me into who I am. Turn me into her puppet once more.

I won’t even know that I’m supposed to be fighting. That the end is near. That I may not see my boys ever again.

They’re taken in the opposite direction from me, long gone from sight in the dark. I’m led to my room of all places. I guess I should be grateful to have a bed and not to sit on the floor, waiting for the day to pass.

The fae who drag me inside leave me standing in the middle of the room, and then Ophelia enters. Interesting, that she came along to make sure I’m properly locked up.

“Still afraid of me?” I whisper, sitting down on my bed.

“No, I’m not afraid of you,” she says but there’s a note of uncertainty in her voice. “Do me a favor and stay put this time.”

“Are you calling in your favor?”

She narrows her eyes. “It was only a figure of speech. Now…” There’s a pull on my mind, inside my head. “Come back to me, cousin.”

Blood calls to blood. She doesn’t even need to touch me to entrap me—though her notes, the symbols Vanessa translated for me, said she will need my blood to complete the final ritual.

I close my eyes, curl my fists. Her magic hooks into mine, pulls—but mine is like this precious fabric now, made up of the elements and the essence of my boys. She may not be touching me, but it feels as though they still are. I feel them in the weave of the world, and the fabric around me hardens like a wall, keeping me inside.

Ophelia is still whispering words under her breath and I don’t dare open my eyes, still waiting for the enchantment to fall on me, take it all away even as I hold on to it with all I have. The pull is still there, a sting, an ache, but I can handle it. It whispers to me that Ophelia knows best, that she wants the best for me, for the world, that I only need to obey her wishes and all will be good.

I respectfully frigging disagree.

How can I disagree if I’m under her spell?

I disagree and I’m furious with her. I still want to punch her face. What does that mean?

“Well, rest now, cousin.” I open my eyes to find Ophelia brushing imaginary lint off her sleeves. “And don’t even think about leaving your room. I have placed a guard outside and wards on the door, just in case.” She smiles. “You do love me, don’t you? You do know I’m good to you?”

“Yes, cousin,” I whisper.

“Excellent, because I don’t love you, nor do I have to. You’re a miserable usurper and I don’t give a damn about you. But you love me anyway, stupid little cousin. Yes?”

“Yes, cousin,” I say, lowering my eyes. “As you say.”

With a sweep of her long skirt, she turns around and goes, closing the door behind her, turning the key in the lock. Then the door slams a second time, bolted over with power—elemental power, the magic echoing inside my mind.

Witches. Not well-versed in demonblood magic that we don’t possess. Secure in the belief that she has me back in her net.

She’s gone and I can still remember everything.

I can remember how it felt to be with my boys, the pleasure and the relief and the hope of saving them.

I remember the future stretching in front of us.