Page 111 of Of Witches and Queens

“How is that an important factor for my powers? I…” It’s hard to gather my thoughts. “Mr. Evenstar is my father? That asshole?”

“All magical creatures were initially elementals, if you recall. And he may have been born into a demon house but his line goes back to what is now called angels.”

“Angels. My father is an angel.” I blink. “Aren’t angels supposed to be cute little chubby winged creatures?”

“You’re thinking of cherubs.”

“And so?”

“Angels are powerful primordial creatures linked to the energies of the world. They existed before the stories we are familiar with. And before they were messengers between God and his creations, they were young gods, directing the flow of life—”

“My father is the goddamn Headmaster of the Academy. And now he’s in league with Ophelia. Just great.”

The desk is silent for a few beats. “…sorry?” it finally offers.

“Sure you are.”

“Angels or demons, they are one and the same. Asuras and devas, spirits of light and darkness, these are beings whose elemental magic is strong. Much like the four scions you want to save. Don’t you see it yet, girl? No matter what name you give it, we’re all part of the same—the same circle, the same struggle between good and evil, life and death.”

“That’s all good and well,” I breathe, still staring at the man in the mirror. “Very deep. Doesn’t change the fact that my dad is an asshole who is set against me.”

“A shock, I’m sure,” the desk says carefully. “But the main thing to consider is that your power is there, your strength is in how you feel. About them. About yourself. Forgiveness is key.”

“I don’t have anything to forgive.”

“But they do. You know that, don’t you? They need to rid themselves of this burden of guilt they’ve been carrying for their families. And you are the first person who told them that she believes in them, believes in their goodness, in their innocence. You have no idea how important that is.”

“Maybe I do,” I whisper.

“Stop looking for oracles and easy answers. Go and do what you do best, Mia. Do what you feel you want to do.”

“What’s that?”

“Love them. That’s the strongest magic of them all.”