“Maybe? You don’t remember?”

“I stabbed him? Is he dead?”

“Mia…” She pushes away her tray and nails me with her dark gaze. “If you are Mia. Are you? You didn’t stab anyone. There was no lapel cutting. Something’s wrong with your memory. You’re not on Ophelia’s side. We’re working together to bring her down. The boys—”

“No.” I’m shaking my head. “No, I wouldn’t hurt my cousin. She wants the best for me. Those boys bullied her, and I’m going to avenge her.”

“She’s right here at the Academy, Mia. She has them confined to their rooms. What exactly do you need to avenge?”

Confusion makes me angry. “Stop talking.” I get up from the bench. “I know what I know.”


“And I don’t believe you,” I say and march out of the refectory.

Four princes. Four scions. No wonder they think the world owes them. Poor Ophelia suffered at their hands and Vanessa has the gall to accuse her. Shouldn’t we girls stick together?

The Wicked Girls, I think, slowing down, Zoey, a tattoo on my back. They tried to chase me away from the Academy.

Why is my memory veiled? I keep feeling like I’m inside a déjà vu, running in a loop.

“If you are Mia,” Vanessa had said. “Something’s wrong with your memory.”

But my mission is crystal clear. It’s what I came to the Academy for. I remember reading Ophelia’s diary. I remember how much I hated them for hurting her. I’ve been here a while and still haven’t done a thing.

Enough with the waiting around. It’s time to get this done and leave the Academy for good.

Finding out about the murders isn’t hard. I get lucky in the library, as the net is up and running just long enough for me to get and print out articles accusing the four princes of killing innocent people.

I read over them afterward with an ache in my chest, that strange déjà vu feeling persisting, confusing me.

I’ve read parts of these articles before.

I argued with Vanessa about them.

I knew things… I knew more than I do now. How can knowledge become retrograde?

With memory loss, a tiny voice whispers in my mind. Isn’t that what Vanessa said just now?

Go away, I tell the voice. I said I remember enough. I remember what’s important.

For instance, printing out the articles is important in a place where the net is so unreliable. I make a hundred copies of each article in the copying machine and carry them under my arm out of the library.

No more putting this off.

The next steps involve finding the four assholes. Finding a place where the students congregate.

Expose the assholes. Demand punishment. Exact retribution.

Simple as that. Forget complicated plans of revenge. That was probably why I never got the job done before. Too much planning. Too many ideas.

Keep it straightforward. They committed crimes and everyone should know about it. They should pay.