A cute dark-haired boy lounging against a door, smirking at me, saying,“We’ve been expecting her. I bet her name is in there. Check again.”

Who was that?

“But you probably had a few bad nights,” the paramedic goes on. “You’d be surprised at the kind of things that can affect what we remember. Come back tomorrow. Tell me if the memories are coming back.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Please, don’t forget this, Mia. Write it down. You need to check back with me. I don’t want to worry you unnecessarily, but it might be serious, and if it is, we’d like to catch it as soon as possible.”

I get up to go, a little spooked by her words, by the memory lapses, and even more by the ghostly after-images of memories I don’t comprehend, that don’t fit in with anything else and yet feel so essential to what I am, what I’m doing here.

“I haven’t seen your friends in a while,” she says. “I hope they’re okay. They’re the kind of boys I’m more worried about the quieter they go. At least while they get into fistfights and need stitches you know what’s going on with them.”

And how does that even make sense?

Only, deep inside, it does, and my insides curl in worry and fear even if I don’t really know why.

“Mia?” someone calls out as I walk down the path toward the dormitories and I turn to find a dark-haired, cute guy walking determinedly toward me.

A vampire, I think and blink, half in shock and half in recognition.

“Mia. I’ve been looking for you.”

“Well, here I am.” I paste on a smile that must look as fake as it feels. “What’s up?”

“Why are you looking at me like you don’t recognize me?” He scowls at me when I don’t say anything. “It’s me, Percy. Ashton’s annoying buddy? The smug asshole? Come on, drop the farce, it’s not funny.”

I nod, because I obviously know him, and his face and arrogant manner do ring some faint bells. “Percy. Of course.”

“What happened to you?”

“Me? Nothing.”

He’s still scowling. “I felt you draw on our magic two days ago and we all tipped in and gave you what we had, our elemental magic, little as it might be. I know for a fact that the vampire gang missed classes the next day, we were so worn out. I’d hoped you were in the process of freeing Ashton and the others—but then you vanished.” He stops to draw breath. “It’s the first time I see you and I have no fucking idea where Ash is or… Hey, are you listening to me? What the hell is wrong with you today?”

I took their magic? To free Ashton? And the mysterious others. Could he mean Sindri, Jason, and Emrys? The names the paramedic mentioned.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I whisper.

“Oh, come on,” Percy scoffs.

“Free them from whom?”

“Ophelia. Duh.”

“My cousin?” I snort. “Why?”

“Holy shit. You don’t remember, do you?” He takes an actual step back, brows arching.

“Remember what now?”

“The enchantment.” His voice hardens. “She got you, too.”

“What enchantment? What do you mean?”

“How did it happen? We gave you all we had. And you walked right into her net. Why?” He shakes his head, a disgusted look on his face. “We trusted you.”

“To do what?”