Jason, I think, because above everything else I taste earth magic, but I can also sense fire and air… How can that be?

I tear out of Percy’s room, still pulling my long dress over my legs, not even having the time or energy to feel embarrassed when I see Percy leaning against the wall down the corridor, reading a book, his eyes flashing as he glances at us. Ashton has my hand in a death grip and is hurrying alongside me.

Earth is dominant—I can taste its grittiness in my mouth, rich with minerals and green shoots and power—and Jason’s pain.

“She’s pulling on his magic like a vampiric creature,” I mutter, “but not taking blood and giving pleasure like you. She sucks on the power and gives pain.”

“I give pleasure, huh?” Ashton winks at me, and even pale and exhausted as he looks, he has that spark back in his gaze that I know and love.

“You look better.”

“Thanks to you.”

I squeeze his hand and we hurry up the stairs. “I haven’t felt you since you shifted. She must have been careful.”

“So why now?”

“The Golden Moon event is just around the corner. Maybe she’s getting desperate.”

“And why would the Queen Witch be desperate?” Ashton mutters.

“Good question. God, I missed you.”

He grins at me but it’s strained. For a guy his size, so tall and strong, he’s in a bad shape, panting worse than me by the time we see Jason’s room and the guard in front of it. “Right back at you. Well, at least during the precious little time that my mind was my own.”

“She’s afraid, I think.” I turn to him, cup his handsome face, his stubble rough under my palm. His lashes fan over his eyes like dark lace. “Afraid we can break her enchantment and stop her before the final ritual.”

“Tell me how to stop her.”

“I wish I knew. We just keep fighting her, in any way we can. Now go and rest. I’ll see how to prevent her from feeding any more on Jason.”

A determined light enters his gray eyes. “I’ll get in, distract her, draw her out.”

“Ash, no.”

“I’m the only person the guards will let in. If you go in now, with her inside, they’ll know your ruse. Don’t blow your cover just yet.”

I shake my head. “She’ll hurt you more. Don’t let her hurt you more.”

“Take care of Jax. I’ll be fine.” He drags his knuckles over my cheek. “We fight this any way we can, right? That’s what you said.”

“I didn’t mean that you should put yourself in her clutches like that.”

“There’s no real fight without pain,” he says quietly and starts toward Jason’s room.

“Ash, wait!” I catch his hand.

“What is it?”

“Wait.” I close my eyes, reach out to the fire. My senses open up and slither down the corridor, the building. Can I call a specific person?

“What are you doing?” Ashton whispers.

“I said, wait.” Spots light up inside the building as the flames whisper in my mind—words, names, thoughts, images, some flickering and some stronger. Demons. Fire.