She sighs. Steps closer. “You and me and Sindri had sex together.”

Percy produces a choking noise. He looks like he swallowed a fly.

“I’d remember that,” I whisper even as the memory slams into me. “I…”

“We went out of the Academy to visit your brother,” she says, taking another step closer. “Sindri almost died from blood loss. Then he took a knife for you, as did Jason. Ash…”

Black spots are dancing in my vision. I can’t breathe. The pull on my magic burns.

She reaches for me, and it feels different. She feels different, like a light in the dark. I take her hands, haul her to me, pull her into my lap. There isn’t much more I can do, depleted, exhausted, but I hold on to her, breathing her in.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Percy says and I don’t even lift my head that’s pressed to her breasts when the door opens and closes.

“Do you remember me now?” she whispers.

“Bits and pieces,” I admit. “Not much. But you feel right. Mia. You were at the lake with us.”

“I was.” Her brows pull together. “This isn’t hurting you? Every time you say my name or touch me, she hurts you. I don’t want you in pain.”

“I’m okay,” I lie. The pain is everywhere but so is the need to hold her against me.

“Her focus must be on someone else,” she says. “Another one of you. I think—”

She yelps when I throw her down on the bed and bend over her. “You think what?”

“That this respite won’t last.”

“Then let’s make the best of what little time we have.” I kiss her and she makes a small sound of surprise that I swallow. I half-expect her to push me away but her hands curl against my shoulders, drawing me down, on top of her.

With every shared breath the pain in my body fades, more and more, replaced by desire. My head is clearing only to be fogged over by lust. I’m already pulling at the straps of her dress, baring her shoulders, the mounds of her breasts.

She draws back, lifts a hand to my face. “Ash…”

“Fuck. You don’t want it.” I fight to restrain myself, even if wanting her feels like the only thing that matters in the world right now, but I don’t remember everything, and what if—?

“I want it. I want you.” Her gaze softens. “But two days ago, you were coughing blood and didn’t recognize me, no matter what I said. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I blink. “I was out of it that long?”

“Yeah. You and the others. Awake but not really. Bleeding, delirious. I thought I was losing you.” Her voice cracks. “Your shapeshifting caught her off guard. She tried to run a ritual she wasn’t ready for, and it almost killed you. It probably weakened the enchantment but she’s working on that. She’ll slam down on you any moment now. We have to be ready.”

“Damn. Ready how?”

“Ready for the shit to hit the fan.” She lets out a shuddering breath when I nuzzle her neck. “I should check on the others, because the guards won’t be fooled forever. I need to talk to them, if they’re lucid, while they’re lucid—oh God…”

I bite into her neck, softly, not breaking the skin. “You came to feed me,” I whisper against her skin. “Did you mean it?”


“Want me to bite you?” I’m settled between her legs, my dick hard and heavy, her softness so familiar and sexy.

“God, yes…”

“Want me to fuck you? I need you. I need this… to connect to you.”


I lift the long dress, breathe shakily when my hand finds the thin lace of her panties, the heat between her legs. I pull the lace easily to the side, stroke her as I bite harder, my fangs sinking into her skin just like my fingers sink into her pussy.