
She gets up, claps her hand together briskly. “Come on. Let’s train you.”

“But I thought I shouldn’t call on the magic again. The boy that cried wolf and all that?”

“Then focus on another element and steer far away from Percy. No reason why you can’t try to summon students that you’ve never summoned before.”

I eye her carefully. “You believe me then?”

“I believe that your magic is unlike anything I’ve ever seen and that we need to see what it can do.”

“Didn’t you also say I don’t need to train anymore?”

“That was for the arrogant vampire’s benefit. Training is always useful. Come on.”

“You called?” asks the werewolf boy, a small group of his kind behind him. I don’t know these guys, they probably aren’t members of Jason’s gang, and from the crumbs on their T-shirts, they were having breakfast. “We sensed a call.”

“Earth element,” Vanessa says. “Make them do something.”


“Reach through the magic and tell them to do something simple.”

“I won’t manipulate people!”

“Come on, Mia. You have to learn how. And this isn’t hurting them. You won’t hurt them, will you?”

Grinding my teeth, I close my eyes again and feel the magic coming from the werewolves—warm earth, life, and growth—and send a thought through it, a nudge.

“Raise your hands.”

Vanessa’s gasp is all the confirmation I need that something has happened—but I need to see it for myself. Maybe I’ve sent them sprawling or marching into the nearby lake.

But no. They’re just standing there, hands in the air, looking slightly baffled.

A snicker escapes me. “God, this is so wrong,” I whisper. “Feels wrong. I shouldn’t be doing it.”

“Good. Glad you feel that way. Then release them,” Vanessa says. “And let’s get back to work.”

“Not bad,” Vanessa says after I’ve summoned some fae, had them lie down and make snow angels in the grass, then a few demons and had them stand in a circle holding hands, “not bad at all.”

“That’s all you have to say?”

“Um… Wow?”

I laugh. “Okay, what does this all mean?” I watch the demon boys walk back toward the school buildings, shooting me curious glances over their shoulders. One of them gives me the finger.

I guess I deserve that.

“You have power,” Vanessa says.

“And? I feel filthy.” I wipe my hands on my pants as if that will help with anything. “Making anyone do anything. Even if it’s not harming them.”

“I see that. I’m… confused.”

“Say again?” I get up and brush dirt off my ass.

“You have the nascent power of a Queen Witch,” Vanessa says. “Calling on all elements like that. Controlling them. But that’s not possible, not if Ophelia is the Queen.”