She leans back. “The Queen Witch. The Vasilissa. It’s a myth, nothing more.”

“Miss Worthy—”

“I wouldn’t worry myself over that, Mia.”


“There hasn’t been a Queen Witch in over two hundred years, and even back then, some believe, it was just a common witch with ideas of grandeur. It is possible that no Queen has been born in half a millennium. To believe that a Vasilissa in the making is in this school… That’s like believing in Santa.”

“But you must feel all these surges in elemental magic,” I whisper. “How—?”

“I do feel some. It’s normal with so many students, many of whom come from strong elemental lines.”

“You really don’t believe me?” I breathe.

She leans back in her chair, pushes those damned glasses up her nose again. “Well, let me put it this way: all I have is your word for it. Less, even: your theory. No proof whatsoever. And you are the only one who can sense what your cousin does, apparently, which is a bit convenient.”

“Why would I accuse my cousin of something so awful if it’s not true?”

“Maybe you believe it to be true. Or maybe you want to hurt her for taking away the boys you’re interested in?”

I drag a hand over my face. “Oh my God, not you, too. No, that’s not why.”

“I see you don’t deny being interested in those boys. Look, Mia, if many people believe something is true, it’s usually because it makes sense.”

“No, Miss Worthy.” I place my hands on her desk. “Usually, it’s because they don’t have two brain cells of their own to rub together and find it easier to believe whatever lie the rumor-mill of the school or the town is spreading at the moment. I expected more from you.”

She glares. “Watch your mouth, missy. I won’t tolerate such behavior. You stated your case, and I’m telling you that you’re wrong. Now please return to your classes. I have work here to do.”

Despair swamps me. “Don’t you see how important this is?”

“Even if Ophelia was a Queen Witch,” she says, “it doesn’t mean she will ascend. That’s very difficult to do. She’d have to find four conduits amenable to sharing their power with her at a great risk to themselves, four powerful elementals to perform the rituals.”

“And I’m telling you she found them and she’s forcing them! With a spell!”

“No spell would be that powerful. And if we’re talking about the four boys in question, they’re heirs to strong magical families. They can resist.”

I shake my head. “She took things from them, personal items. She’s using them to reinforce the enchantment.”

“And she has Vanessa’s help. Yes, you said.” She is still glaring. “Please, Mia. Like I said, I have work to do.”

“Won’t you at least look into it?”

“And how do you suggest I do that? Ask her? Ask them?”

“You could try that, yes,” I say a little sullenly.


“The fate of the world, Miss Worthy. I think you shouldn’t dismiss this so fast.”

“Fine.” She glances down at the document in front of her. Gives a little eye roll. “Tell you what: bring me proof of any of this and I’ll take it seriously. Until then…” She waves a dismissive hand at me.

More dismissiveness.

Proof, I think as I walk out. What kind of proof can I bring when she doesn’t even feel the surges? When Ophelia and Vanessa will deny any wrongdoing and the boys are under her spell?

How can I convince a person who doesn’t believe any of it that it’s true?