He shakes his head.

“Good. I’m not. But I want you to touch me.” I drop my hand from his arm. “So touch me. I’ll let you do what you want tonight. You control this. Got it?”

His eyes widen. “You sure?”

“Just…” A shiver goes through me. “Don’t cut me. And don’t play with the cuts.”

“Christ, Rys, who’d do that?” Then it’s his turn to curse. “They did that to you? Holy fucking shit. Sick bastards.”

“They call it hell for a reason, Wolfboy. And I was promised some distraction. So get on with it, will you? Looks like we haven’t got all night…”

My back, shoulders, and chest are stiff with dried blood and still burning. My magical nature helps heal the cuts faster and has at least stopped the bleeding, but I’m uncomfortable.

Which perversely excites me, with Jason kneeling in front of me, heat and uncertainty in his eyes. I’ve wanted to have him under me for a while, since before Mia arrived, and now I’d love them both under me—

“Fuck.” I shiver as pain lances through me. My hands curl into fists. I grin through the fire. “I said touch me. Or don’t you wanna?”

His blond hair is in his eyes, his mouth slack. He lifts a hand and places it on my chest. Then moves it to tug on one of my nipple rings and yeah, color me effectively distracted now.

“Does it hurt?” he asks, tugging on the other.

“It hurts so good,” I manage. “Do it again.”

Brows drawing together, he obeys, and my cock jumps, forcing a hiss from my lips.

“Damn. Yeah.” I hiss a breath through my teeth. “I got more piercings for you to play with.”

“Where?” His brows go up.

“It’s like hide and seek. Seek and you shall find.”

His mouth twitches. At least color is returning to his face, that awful fear gone from his expression. Why do I care? I just do, okay? Don’t judge. I haven’t cared for anyone since I was little, and now I’m caught in this fucking game of spells, in between reality and something else, and these people I’ve given myself over to are all I have left.

The thought echoes in my mind like a distant bell.

Don’t think, I tell myself.

His hands move over my ink, finding the cuts, and then draw away when I wince. “Sorry, damn.”

“Don’t stop,” I grind out. “Touch me, Jax.”

“But you—"

“I want you. Do you want me?”

His eyes have gone dark. “Yeah,” he says hoarsely. “God, yeah. Perfect would be if Mia were here.”

“I thought you came to distract me from her.”

“Damn,” he says.

“Yeah,” I agree. Now I’m curious. “How did I distract you last time if we didn’t fuck?”

He snorts. “You’re obsessed.”

“I’m a guy and a demon.”

“And I’m an animal.”