“Jax…” I’ve given up trying to stand. I close my eyes. “That wasn’t what I meant. Don’t make me think, dammit. Not sure I’ll survive it.”

He grunts and sits down on the floor beside me. “Fine. Just making sure you’re okay. Sure you’re not bleeding anymore?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Want me to check you over?”

“Don’t even think about it.”

He holds his hands up, an amused expression on his face. “And I thought I was the homophobe.”

“You were. But then you went and slept with Ashton.”

His cheekbones color. “Uh… Yeah. Sort of.”

“Sort of… slept with him?”

“We lay together. Kissed. Sort of… rutted together. And if you make any jokes about animals and mutts rutting, I swear, I’ll finish what she started and kill you.”

A chill goes through me. “Kill me?”

“Rys…” He puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. “You’re right, you should stop thinking for tonight.”

“Tonight?” Wildly I turn to look at the window. “It was morning—”


“What did she do? She cut me up, I woke up and can’t remember—”

“Rys.” Then he’s in my face, hands hard on my cheeks. “Look at me.”

“What the fuck is she doing to us, Jax? We have to do something. It’s—”

He puts one hand over my mouth. “Listen to me,” he says. “I’ll do what I can to distract you because your body and your mind need a break. Trust me on this. We’ve been doing it for a while. Rys… don’t bite me.”

I nip a little at his palm anyway, enjoying the jerk in his entire body, the flash of his green eyes on me.

“Rys. Right now, the net of the enchantment is tight around you because you defied her. It’ll start to fade, and I’m here to stop you from catching her attention again. She’s already hurt you more than she has any of us. There’s something about the fire element she particularly despises, I think.”

That’s a lie, I think, she loves me,doesn’t she? But from the corner of my eye, I catch the blood on my sheets and my thoughts seem to shift sideways, to tilt, because she cut me up, she tortured me, this is so fucking confusing—

Jason’s hand leaves my mouth and he sits back. “Damn.”

“What?” I bark.

“I’m not sure how to distract you. You do it so well with me.”

I blink. “We’ve done this before?”

“No,” he says. “Well, you’ve done it for me.”

“Oh. Fuck.” I shift onto my knees, shaking my head.

“Fuck for not remembering?”

“Fuck in general. What else did we do? Did you and me get it on?”

The color on his cheekbones deepens. “No. Is your mind always on sex?”