Page 147 of Of Witches and Queens

“And a firepit,” Emrys says. When we all turn to look at him, he shrugs. “I like fires. I am a fire demon.”

“A firepit it is. I’d like a brook running through, or a pond.” Ashton says. He shrugs. “I like water.”

“As we all know.” Sindri smirks.

“It’s easy for you,” Ashton mutters. “Air is everywhere.”

“And that rhymed,” Sindri says. “I’m sure that pleased you.”

“They’re nuts,” I tell our baby daughter. “But I love them anyway.”

She gazes up at me with those big, wide eyes, and God, I love her. I’ve never felt so much love in my life as I have for Juliette and her fathers. I feel so full of love like I could burst and rain light on everyone.

Juliette decides she’s full, too, in a different way, and turns her face away from me, releasing my boob. I pull up my maternity bra, making sure the pad is in place, and lift her up.

“Give her to me,” Jason says. “I’ll make sure the princess burps properly.”

“Yeah, teach her your barbarian manners.” Ashton waves a negligent hand. “Why not?”

“Is there a noble way of burping, your Highness?” Jason bares his canines in a sharp grin as he takes Juliette from my hands and puts her on his shoulder. “Do tell.”

“We love your barbarian manners, our savage prince.” Sindri comes to make faces at the baby behind Jason’s back. “You know that. But Ash enjoys being an ass before breakfast.”

“Fact,” Ashton says. “But I’m your favorite ass, am I not?”

“Now that is an interesting image,” Jason mutters.

Emrys chuckles. “How about eating? I’m starving.” He shoves off the wall and sets out the food, dividing bagels and making sandwiches for everyone. “We need our energy.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well, I think it’s time to start thinking about a little brother or sister for Juliette.” His dark gaze, warm and teasing, finds mine. “Don’t you think?”

I open my mouth to tell him to shut up but then his words really sink in and I find myself speechless. Maybe I do want that. And I certainly wouldn’t mind trying.

They all come around me, Ashton pulling me to my feet and wrapping his arms around me.

“You gave us everything,” he whispers. “Whatever happens next is your decision. You know that, right?”

“Our decision,” I say, smiling at all of them. “From now on, whatever we do is our decision as a family.”

They put their arms around us, Juliette squirming against Jason’s shoulder.

Then she burps and we laugh.

And the world is perfect.