Page 146 of Of Witches and Queens




“Guchi-goo,” Emrys says, rocking the baby in his muscular, inked arms and walking around the room. “Whatcha wantsie baby-boo?”

“Stop.” Sindri is bent over, howling with laughter. “Have mercy. I can’t take this anymore.”

Emrys grins at him before lifting the baby and presenting her to me. “Baby wants momma boob.”

“Does she, now?” Snickering, I receive our baby daughter in my arms and look down at her pretty dark eyes and dark curls. “Do you, baby Juliette?”

I named her after my mother. I don’t remember her but she won’t be forgotten.

It’s impossible to tell who the father of my baby is—her ears aren’t pointed nor is there any other characteristic to tell her apart from a full-blooded human. But I can feel her magic and it feels a lot like mine—intertwined with the elemental forces of my four boys, as if she was created by all four of them.

Which is fitting.

As it turns out, she does want the boob and I sit with her by the window to feed her as Ashton and Jason walk in, back from getting us some breakfast from the refectory.

It’s Sunday. No classes, no stress. We are now attending Pandemonium College, the university part of the Academy, taking various subjects with emphasis on management and politics. We’re all trying to learn what might prove useful in the future as we try to get the mighty clans of the magical races to sit at the table together and negotiate peace.

But that takes time and meanwhile we had ourselves a baby. It wasn’t planned, but we’re happy she’s here. We wanted to start a family sooner or later, and Juliette decided to come sooner rather than later.

We’re fine with that.

Sometimes the boys babysit Juliette so I can go to classes, sometimes it’s Brianna, Vanessa, or Melissa who also attend college here. It’s becoming a routine, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s a good routine, a happy life, and my boys and the baby ensure that it’s never boring.

“Why is Sin laughing?” Ashton places a few containers on the desk and bends to kiss our baby’s head, then my mouth. “Was Emrys doing baby impressions again?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Emrys lounges against the wall, arms folded over his broad chest, a smirk on his lips.

“I’m sure you don’t.” Ashton shares a grin with me and turns to relieve Jason of paper bags with bagels and croissants. “Only Jason uses babytalk, right, Jax?”

“Fuck you.” Jason gives him the finger. “I speak to our daughter like a fucking gent.”

“I bet.” I suppress another snicker. “Right, Juliette? Do our boys treat you well?”

“Like a princess,” Sindri says softly. “Our princess.”

“Our baby girl.” Jason comes to greet us, kissing my mouth softly, then stroking our baby’s head. He straightens. “We did well for ourselves, didn’t we? Who would have thought?”

“Yeah.” Ashton sits on the bed. “Look at us, with a family to call our own.”

“And doing well at college, too.” Sindri goes to the desk and checks the containers. “Soon we’ll graduate. Get jobs. Get a house.”

“You do realize we are princes and have a mission,” Ashton says. “If we’re to ascend and start properly working on peace talks among the magical races, our jobs will be to fulfill our duties as representatives of our Houses and races.”

“Not giving up on the house idea,” Sindri mutters. “Stop ruining my fantasy.”

“A gigantic bed,” Jason says dreamily. “Where I can stretch without kicking everyone.”

“Stop whining.” Sindri arches a teasing brow at him. “You’re already taking up half the bed.”

“I’m so not.”

“We can have a big yard,” I say, looking at them fondly. “Outside the city. With trees and grass.”