Page 139 of Of Witches and Queens

“Um…” How much does he know about the bonding rituals? “I…”

“I mean, as your father, I have to ask…”

“Do you?” I bite my lip to keep from speaking the words and to hide a smile. “Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. We sleep together. We have sex together. I’m an adult and you have no say over what I do, am I clear?”

His gaze softens. “Can I at least ask if they treat you right?”

“They do.” Heat blooms on my face. “Father—”

“Call me dad.”

I swallow hard. “You can’t scare them away, okay? I mean, they don’t scare away easily, but I’d rather not have my dad fight with them. Not after everything we have been through together. We deserve some downtime, a chance to heal and get to know each other better. A chance to just be together.”

“So this isn’t only about the magic. It’s more than that. You let them touch you outside of the sharing of power. Do you kiss, too? Do you also have sex in pairs or—?”


“Yes?” He looks innocently at me.



“I’m in love with them, dad. Is that clear enough for you?”

“In love as in…?”

“Madly. Madly in love.”

Finally he smiles. “Good. Yeah, that’s good. Does that mean that soon you’ll make me a grandfather?”

“What? No!”

“Think about it,” he says. “All elements combined in you. Your children would be powerful. Plus, you know, I missed your childhood. I wouldn’t mind having some chubby babies to bounce on my knees. Not getting any younger here.”

“Dad! God, what’s gotten into you? Not yet, all right? We’re still… exploring this thing between us.”

“This thing called love?”

“Yeah. I…” I look down, at my hands in my lap, and find myself smiling so big my cheeks hurt. “Exactly that.”

“I only have one more question.”


“Are you happy about it?”

I blink at him. “Love? The victory? How things ended?”


“Yes.” I nod to myself. “I am. I don’t regret a thing.”

“Then I am happy, too. And I’ll be there for you from now on. Count on me, daughter. Now go back to your men and let me know what you decide about the fate of the world.”