“Of course it was.” And as I say it, I know it to be true.

But he only scowls at me. “Why the fuck should I believe you now?”

“I…” I bend and retrieve my panties, pull them on slowly to buy myself time. “Rys, let me explain.”

“I—we—put our trust in you, princess. Put a piece of our black hearts in your hands. But you fucked it up. When you lose our trust, it’s all over.”

He walks out of my room, flames dancing on the tips of his Mohawk, on his broad shoulders. His anger is terrible to behold. Not because he’s scaring me—though he is, a little, a handsome, sexy sort of scary—but because I have this terrible sense ofloss. The possibility of losing him—losing all four of them—darkens the room, sucks the light out of the air.

My throat feels tight. “Rys…”

But then someone comes striding toward us, blocking Emrys’s path. “Come with me,” says a familiar voice and I realize it’s Sindri.

The fae prince looks disheveled, his shirt wrinkly, his black and blue hair mussed up, his boots unlaced. So very pretty, regardless. And worried.

“What the fuck, Sin?” Emrys shoves him back. “Out of my way.”

“Are you deaf? I said you have to come.”

“Really,” Emrys mutters. “Why the hell should I?”

“It’s Ashton,” Sindri breathes. “Something happened.”

He doesn’t say anything else but without glancing at one another, we nod and follow after him.

“It’s not a surge,”Emrys says as we jog toward the library building. “I’d have felt it.”

“You have the elemental sensitivity of a log of wood,” Sindri mutters. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you simply hadn’t noticed.”

“Watch your mouth,” Emrys growled.

“And you smell of sex. Well, a woman’s sex, to be precise.” Those starry eyes turn on me, calculating. “Why, I never. Miss-Prim-and-Innocent is loosening up all of a sudden. Two boys in less than twenty-four hours. Color me surprised.”

“Shut up,” I say in my best imitation of Emrys’s voice.

Sindri grins.

“You don’t get to judge or rattle me,” I inform him as we hurry down a faint trail leading to what looks like a pile of rocks. “Not after telling me you only want to sleep with me to help with the magic.”

“Did I offend your sensibilities?”

“You’re an asshole,” I whisper.

“I thought that was common knowledge. This way.” He springs lightly over a fallen log and climbs up the trail to the little rise.

This Academy seems to sprawl endlessly, a vast expanse with no clear boundaries. Since I entered it, I haven’t seen the fence surrounding it or the entrance again. It’s as if they moved away.

“What’s the matter with the vampire?” Emrys asks, following after Sindri with less grace. Powerful muscles tense and release as he swings himself over the fallen log. He doesn’t turn to see if I’m okay, doesn’t offer to help me.

He’s angry with me.

“He’s with Jason,” Sindri says. “We need to get them both back to the dormitories.”

I press my lips together and follow as fast as I can, sweat running down my back and between my breasts. I refuse to ask them to wait for me.

“What’s wrong with Ash?” I call out instead.

“As if you care,” Emrys mutters.