“Lots of things seem unknown when deep inside of us resides the knowledge of them. It only takes a memory, a word, a scent to call them back.”

“I didn’t call…” I sigh. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just a flower. Can we get on with the lesson?”

“You’re the witch, aren’t you? Apollinari. You do know that casting spells and doing magic is forbidden in class—indeed, in the Academy.”

“I wasn’t doing magic.”

She arches a brow. “Oh? Could have fooled me.”


“This is zoology, not a botany class. However, if I were you, I’d refrain from bringing anything else in here. Can’t have animals running around.”

The students have started to chatter, whispers of“witch!”reaching my ears, and God, I wish for the bell to ring to end this class.

I wish for someone to explain to me how that daffodil got there and why.

The green shoots on Jason’s bed flash through my mind and I jerk back from the desk. Can the memory of magic conjure more of it? It shouldn’t.

It can’t.

“Miss Apollinari!” the teacher shouts at me as I gather my stuff and get up. “Class isn’t over. You’ll get an absence if you go now.”

Too bad.

I got bigger problems on my mind.

I turn the corner,heading full speed toward the boys’ dormitory, when I almost slam into Emrys.

“Whoa, slow down.” He grabs my shoulders, stops my momentum. “Where are you going? Your class isn’t done yet.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m done with my class.”

His dark brows lift. “Such a rebel.”

“I thought you were still in Jason’s room.”

“Well, nap time is over. Someone has to look out for you.” He nods back toward the hallway I came from.

Turning, I see Zoey glaring at me, flanked by four other girls. Startled, I take a step to the side, not complaining when Emrys puts his arm around me.

He lifts his middle finger at them.

“Oh-uh. Was that wise?” I whisper. “They’ll be angry.”

“I’m so scared,” he mutters. “Boo.”

I sigh. “Not so much with you, Rys. Withme.”

“You’re under our protection and we won’t let you out of our sight.”

“Because I’m a useful witch.”

He grins down at me. “Yeah.”


It’s exactly what I counted on, what I lied about, and what should bring me closer to my goal, and it’s killing me.