Unless she has managed to harness her powers. “You don’t know,” I manage through a jaw that isn’t quite human anymore, “how to help us yet?”

She shakes her head. Presses those pretty lips together. A crease appears between her slender brows.

The door to my room slams open again and Emrys stumbles back in, holding a decorated blue bowl. “Is this all?” he growls. “Sin, you idiotic prince of the fae, answer me.”

Sindri waves a negligent hand at the demon. “What’s your problem, hellspawn scoundrel?”

“Pft, you need to update your vocabulary.”

“And you need to upgrade your brain.”

“Will you… all… shut up!Goddammit.” I roll onto my side, sweat pouring down my face. I can feel bones shifting, muscles pulling until I think they’ll snap.

“We have to do something,” Mia whispers.

“Yeah, but guess what? The fucking fae has used up all his drugs,” Emrys growls.

“What?” Sindri sits up, brows arching in alarm. “Not true. Give me the bowl.”

“Did you let your fae buddies in your room?”

“No, I…Kraish.” Sindri closes his eyes. “I forgot. I used theTeskup yesterday.”

Emrys grunts. “You selfish prick.”

“What? None of you were interested in trying my drugs before.”

“There is just a little left.” Emrys sniffs at the bowl. “I guess you’ll be wanting it, princeling.”

To my surprise, Sindri shakes his head. “Give it to the wolf. He needs it more right now.”

“If it doesn’t kill him,” Ashton says. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Yeah, you’ve mentioned it a few times,” Sindri mutters.

“Kill him?” Mia sits down on my bed, places a hand on my arm and I wanna weep like a baby at the relief that light touch brings. “Wait a sec. Why would you give him something that could kill him?”

“Got any better ideas, sweetheart?” Sindri breathes. “Let’s hear them. He’s about to shift, we don’t know how to stop it or how to bring him back to human form if he loses control of the magic.”

“Sex might help,” Emrys says. “Told you.”

“Stop sayingsex,” Mia snaps. “You don’t know that it can solve anything.”

“I mean, how is this fair,” Ashton is grumbling, “that he would get to not only have sex with her but do so while she’s wearing the clothes that I bought her?”

“Whiny baby,” Emrys mutters.

“Slow down. I never said I’ll have sex with him,” she says, her eyes wide.

“It’s a race,” Emrys mutters.

“To what?” Mia’s face has paled.

“To who will bed you first,” Sindri joins in.

She shakes her head. “Nobody will.”

“We’ll see about that,” Sindri says.