“No.” I curl an arm around his neck and gasp, my ribs burning. “You don’t harm them.”

“They harmedyou,” he points out, “and had no problem with it.”

“That doesn’t mean you should be like them.”

“Is this going to be another talk about how harming others can harm my soul?” Jason drawls softly.

“Yes, why not? Your soul matters. How you see yourself matters. How will you live with yourself if you do something you regret? Seeing yourself in the mirror every day and…”

I’m babbling. I need to stop. These are bullies of the worst kind. Why am I concerned about their souls?

“We need to stop them from hurting you again,” Sindri says quietly. He’s standing there, his black robe hanging open like a magician’s cape, his loose pajama pants hanging low on his narrow hips, that tantalizing deep V at his hips leading down, under the waistband.

I let my head rest on Jason’s unexpectedly comfortable, muscled shoulder. “Why are you even here?”

“We felt you,” Ashton says. He’s wearing a gray T-shirt that says‘I am half agony, half hope’and jogging pants but manages to make them look utterly sexy, as if he’s a model in a commercial. He shoves dark hair out of his clear eyes. “At least that’s what we think.”

I muffle hysterical laughter against Jason’s skin. This is so ridiculous.

“Are you okay?” Emrys asks. “Is she okay? She’s shaking.”

“I’m taking her to my room,” Jason says.

“Why your room?” Ashton demands. “I have a First-Aid kit.”

“Of course you do,” Emrys sneers. “So do I, plus, she needs a safe place.”

“And she’ll be safe with you?” Sindri sniffs disdainfully. “How many times did you get your paws all over her already?”

“Jealous, fairy boy?”

Sindri huffs. “Oh, fuck you, you pretentious little snit—”

“I’m the one holding her,” Jason says, “try and take her away from me—”

Ashton scoffs. “She doesn’t need a mutt, she needs a man—”

“Oh, you think you’re a man now?” Jason snarls.

“For God’s sake,” I snap, “stop!” My laughter has long dried up. “What’s wrong with you? I’m…” I groan as I shift my hold on Jason. “I’m in pain and want to lie down and—”

“The infirmary,” Jason says. “That’s where we need to go first.”

Well, that makes sense, at least, I think, closing my eyes, trying to ignore the pain. I trust Jason to get me there. No idea why I trust him, any of them, especially after their childish little spat just now, but now that I think about it…

They were fighting overme?


I hide a smile against Jason’s shoulder. How strange…

“Who did this to you?”the paramedic asks, a hint of horror in her voice. “You must report them.”

“I don’t know their names,” I whisper. “It doesn’t matter.”

“How can it not matter? They’re bullies. They should be punished.”

“Yes.” I glance at the boys who are standing at the door like sentries. “Bullies should be punished.”