“You mean the stake that can kill vampires? Doesn’t that answer your question?”

“But why Ashton? Why kill him?”

“Who says the stake was meant for Ashton?” Jason says.

I blink at him. “Come again?”

“It wasn’t for him. Though he’s annoying enough to make me want to stab him, too.”

“Then who was it for?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Doesn’t it?” I stare at him. “Killing someone isn’t that simple—practically, ethically, emotionally. Whatever they did to you, they should be tried in a court of justice.”

“There is no justice in this world.”

“And what about the impact on you? The toll it will take on you? It will destroy your soul.”

“It’s too late for my soul,” he says quietly. “And he deserves it. All of them do.”

“All ofwhom?” I ask in exasperation. “And why?”

“It’s better that you don’t know. I’ll get them, sooner or later. I didn’t expect to get my hands on a stake so easily. If I’d known Sindri had such a stake… But first we need to get through this in one piece, these attacks and the magic surges, if I don’t end up a mindless beast wandering the woods and eating chewy people who’ve been on a diet when they should have known better. Or my friends.”

“Stop that.” I mock-punch him in the shoulder—and he hisses out a curse. He reaches up, massages the spot and I realize it’s where he was hit. “Sorry! You said your shoulder was fine.”

“I lied.”

I bite my lip. “Sorry, Jax.”

“It’s okay. Just… Fuck, some days suck. The magic can hit so hard I’ll be on the floor, throwing up, fighting the shift.” He’s still rubbing the spot, head bowed, dirty blond hair falling in his eyes, and it’s hard not to reach for him. “Sucks balls.”

“How can I help?” I whisper.

“I dunno. Have you figured out what to do about the surges yet?”

“No. Working on it.”

He lets out the air from his lungs. “I thought… Yesterday when the magic hit, I thought my fucking nightmares would come true. That I’d turn into an animal and stay locked in that form forever, you know? Losing my mind bit by fucking bit, not knowing who I am anymore.”

I was wrong. It’simpossiblenot to reach for him. I lay a hand on his cheek, and he inhales sharply.

Before I pull my hand back, he grips it, keeps it there. “Did you know that when you touch me, some of the pain goes away?”

“I… No, I didn’t.”

“Guess it’s a witchy thing.”

“Guess so.” I swallow hard. It has to be all in his mind. The mind is a powerful thing. Maybe it’s comfort that takes the edge of pain away, and God, I’m sorry he hurts and would do anything in my limited power to help him.

This is so messed-up.

I should head back. I’m already behind with the classes. At least the next one is art. Hopefully, I don’t have to catch up on art, too. I can’t—

“Mia.” He catches my hand, tangles our fingers together. Draws me back to him, tugs me up to stand between his legs, looking down at his upturned face, those green eyes so full of emotion. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you’re staying at the Academy, and not only because you could help us.”

It catches me by surprise.