It scares the fucking shit out of me. I hold on to the pretty girl in my arms, the girl whose touch chases away the demons, and don’t know what to say.

“It’s late now, though,” Jason says, way too reasonably. “They won’t let you into the hospital until tomorrow morning. Get some rest. You look like you need it.”

“And we need to talk about what happened to Ash today,” Emrys says. “With the surges in magic and how little control we have over it, we need more information and fast. Jason needs to teach us about shifting and how to control it, since it looks like it could happen to us at any moment.”

“That will cost you a pretty penny.” Jason bares his teeth in a scary grin. “I’m an expensive teacher. Just so you know.”

“Jax,” I mutter. My head is pounding, a sledgehammer slamming into my temples.

His grin falls. “Look, it takes a long time to train someone in shifting. And it presupposes that you shift, because experience fucking matters. What am I gonna do, draw diagrams?”

“If that’s what it takes,” Emrys says. “We shouldn’t risk shifting if it can be avoided.”

“Amen to that.” I shiver because it’s all too fucking much to process. Like, how did I find myself in my room when I kind of recall staggering out of the Headmaster’s office and walking in a random direction under the sky, not sure what to do except for the knowledge that I had to go find my brother? How they all appeared here, including Mia who’s still in my lap, her small face flushed and her mouth reddened, and—wait a minute.“You’re asking about shifting because I really… like, actuallyshifted? Into a goddamn panther?”

Problem is, I don’t remember shifting. I don’t recall anything beyond the cold of grief and the heat of fury flooding me as I left the building and marched toward some trees. There was a flash of magic running through me, that much I think I remember, not a surge, not coming from the earth or any place else but myself and then…

“You half-shifted, dude.” Jason perches his ass on my desk, crossing his legs and folding his arms over his chest. “You don’t remember?”

I shake my head.

“First shifts are always mind-blowing,” he says. “You might have done a full shift if Mia hadn’t stopped you.”

I glance down at her. “You did?”

She blushes harder. I’m dying to kiss her, kiss that bow of a mouth, the pale curve of her neck, the swell of her tits, and lower. She moves as if to get off me, and I pull her back to me. “I helped,” she whispers. “Everyone helped.”

“We weren’t the ones going down on you, or the one you ended up dipping your dick into,” Sindri says and my cock jolts at the memory.

“But that’s—”

“That’s not how she helped you,” Jason says. “She talked you down from the shift, touched you, established contact with you. That’s what stopped the shift. Then you passed out and I carried you here.”

“You were leaking elemental magic all over theabeshplace,” Sindri says quietly. “The shift had stopped but you had lost control over your basic magic.” His gaze is thoughtful. “Sex stabilized you.”

Emrys is strangely silent, I notice. But demons are broody, aren’t they? Maybe he’s annoyed he didn’t get any.

“Sex magic, huh?” I almost laugh but I can’t, filled with wonder and still shaky from coming so hard. Still hard for her and all I want is for them to leave so I can have her in as many ways as possible.

As if reading my thoughts, she moans softly.

I bend my head to kiss her, needing to taste her again, to—

“All right, enough,” Emrys growls. “Focus, Ash. Yes, you almost shifted. Yeah, it was bad. We couldn’t reach you, you didn’t seem to hear us, you had claws and fur and those damn cat ears and a fucking tail, for fuck’s sake. Stop playing footsie with the witch for a fucking moment and use your remaining brain cells to figure this out.”

Now we’re all staring at him.

“What thefuck’syour problem, demon?” I mutter.

He throws his hands up in the air and goes to brood by the window, scowling at the world. “You know I’m fucking right.”

“So tell us, Jax…” Sindri has made himself comfortable on the carpet, his back against the side of the bed, eyes half-closed. “How does one control a shift? How do you command the beast in you, bring it to heel?”

“You don’t command the beast. My God, you fae are so pretentious and above it all.” Jason rubs a hand over his face. “The beast lives inside you. It’s a cohabitation.”

“Oh-oh, a long word. Careful, you could hurt yourself.”

“Fuck you, fairy boy.” Jason looks down at himself, clenches his hands into fists. “The beast is a part of you, sorry to break the news to you. Yeah, even you, prince of fairy, have an animal in you just waiting for the chance to break free of its cage and take over you. How do you feel about that, huh?”