And then I’m sitting there in my new underwear, and everyone goes still and silent. Ashton groans softly.

I don’t know if they like me in underwear and if it’s desire that makes their eyes go so dark, or if it’s anger at the map of bruises covering my torso and arms.



Then Jason growls in that gravelly voice that doesn’t sound like his at all. “Lie with me.”

Carefully, I curl up at his side, slinging an arm over his chest, wondering what in the world I’m doing. He’s all ridges and planes, a map that my hand explores without conscious thought, his scent drowning me, making my mouth water and my body tight.

Unexpectedly, he twists and rolls me underneath him, pressing me into the mattress, and I let out a yelp. My heart is racing. He’s not crushing me—he has his elbows braced on either side of my head, but he’s lying fully on top of me and he’s nestled between my legs and… He’s fully aroused, the hot length of his hard cock burning me. Making me want things I can’t even name.

Sex, Emrys had said. That’s what I want. Sex with Jason.

It scares me and it excites me, and I said I wasn’t doing this, right? Then why am I considering it, craving it?

My bruises ache distantly and I plant my hands on his muscular chest and take a breath to say something—anything—but my breath leaves me when he rocks his hips, just a little. He pushes himself up to shove his pants down and this time when he lowers himself over me, his cock nudges the tiny scrap of lace covering me aside and pushes into me. Just a little, just an inch, but pleasure and need flood my system. I arch up, gasping, and his claws tear into the bedding, the tearing sound too loud in my ears as his cock pushes a little deeper.

Oh, God…He’s inside me. We’re having sex. I never thought it would feel like this, so good, so intense. I want more, I want him to push deeper, I want…

I’m vaguely aware of the other three boys around us, behind Jason, watching with hungry eyes, panting, eyes glowing, reflecting the light like animal eyes. They have climbed onto the bed and are touching him, holding on to his arms—maybe to stop him if he shifts more, if he loses control.

Jason growls, pulling my attention back to him, the deep rumble in his chest not sounding human—but it’s still his face, still his scent, still him. Colors flicker in his eyes as he starts to move, his hot cock still inside of me, not pushing any deeper but sliding in and out, stroking me so perfectly. Pleasuring me. I focus on his face, pale lashes lowering to hide his eyes as he bows his head, huffing, his hips rocking. He keeps moving, shallow thrusts, and suddenly I’m caught in an orgasm that has me writhing underneath him, moaning his name until I have no breath in my lungs.

His thrusts falter, his gasps turn into groans. His cock jerks, spilling heat into me, over me, sliding up and down my seam.

Then he stills, his head bowed over me, his chest heaving with each panting breath. When he glances up again, his eyes are green and human. His scary canines are retreating, still slightly too long. Slightly wolfish, and it’s so sexy and I want him so badly.

He dips his head and kisses me.

It’s different from the previous kisses. For one, he’s still pressed down the entire length of my body, the length of his hard cock pressed against my seam, and he tastes different—more intense, spicier, as if he’s eaten a peppery sweet sauce. It’s delicious and addictive and my body is trembling, the pressure in my belly mounting.

He tears his mouth from mine to trail his lips down my neck, lower, where the lacy bra barely covers my breasts.

And then he’s pulling down the lace and taking one of my nipples into his mouth. He sucks on it and I explode again in pleasure. It rushes through me, taking away my breath, shutting down my thoughts, catapulting me into space where I hang for a long time among the stars, lost.

I come back to myself shaking, still pinned under Jason.

A still very aroused, very hard Jason. His broad chest rises and falls as he pants harshly, gazing down at me. His face is almost human now, the teeth shorter, the ears barely pointed, the fur spreading on his arms receding.

Now he’s just a gorgeous boy staring down at me as I come down from a high he produced.

“You came,” he says, and his words take a moment to make sense.


“Orgasmed,” he says slowly and grins. It’s a strangely endearing grin when he’s still slightly wolfy. “Climaxed. Twice. In other words, I rocked your world.”

He’s right.

He did.

“You’re still…” I lick my lips, my mouth bone dry.

“Still hard. Yeah.” He rocks his hips a tiny bit and I gasp as his hard cock presses against parts that are still throbbing and sensitive.

“So it worked?” I whisper. “We stopped the magic?”