Oh. Not sure whether this is a classic or not. I lift a lacy white bra and a matching set of panties.

Very small panties.

Like, are they supposed to cover anything at all?

I’m sore and confused, but curiosity wins over. I wiggle out of my clothes and pull on the new ones. They fit perfectly, even if the bra seems to make my boobs look bigger and the blouse slipping off one shoulder seems to emphasize them even more.

I shrug at myself in the mirror—because I had to look. Is this how Ashton sees me? How he wants to see me?

At least my bruises are hidden, and after I dab some concealer on my face, you wouldn’t know I lay on the floor last night, drowning in pain, thinking that was it for me. That these girls are so crazy that they might kill me out of spite, that it wouldn’t ruin their day if it happened.

A shiver goes through me. Fishing inside my backpack, I wrap my fingers around the pepper spray Ashton got me and swallow hard.

Should I report my attackers anyway? Would that clinch the deal for them, make them decide to take me out of the way for good? Some forms of madness are dangerous.

The students in this school are dangerous.


Okay. I can do this. Combing my hair out with my fingers, I grab my backpack and head out. Time to go to class and pretend everything’s all right, that I’m not scared and I’m not wounded.

I throw the door open…

And find Jason standing outside my room.

He hashis back to the wall, arms folded over his chest. He’s still in the running shorts he had on last night, only he’s thrown a T-shirt over that chiseled chest.

He looks like he’s been standing there a while. He has a battered backpack at his feet.

“What are you doing here?” I mutter.

“What does it look like?” He nods at me. “Guarding your door.” His gaze moves over me. “You look nice. New clothes?”

I nod. “You’ve been out here all night?”

“Well, yeah. Someone has to keep those rabid girls away from you.”

I sigh. “And you just decided to do the honors?”

“We drew lots. I got the first.”

“First what?”

“First night,” he says as if that explains everything.

“You mean the others will come tomorrow?” I whisper.

“One at a time. That was our decision.”

“You didn’t ask me.”

His brows go up. “You mind?”

I chew on that. I wish they’d consulted me, but I can’t deny that it takes some of my fear away, knowing one of them will be standing guard outside my door at night.

“Well, I… Thanks?” I step back inside my room. “You’re free to go now. I mean, you don’t need me to tell you that, but… You were always free. Um…”

A frown pulls his brows together, but then unexpectedly he smiles, that gorgeous dimpled smile that knocks me over every time like a punch to my chest. “Yeah,” he says, “I’m free.”