Then why do I feel so torn?

“Mia Solace,”Melissa says at dinner in the refectory when I sit down beside her. “Or should I say Apollinari?”

“What’s in a name?” I whisper.

“Your legacy?” She eyes me over her glass of water as she takes a sip. “Your blood magic?”

I shove my tray a few inches to the left, then a few inches to the right. The lasagna on the plate jiggles. “What does it matter?”

“Well, honey, if you’re asking me this, I’d say you must have hit your head pretty hard between this morning and now.”

Right…I glance around. “Where are your friends? Vanessa and the other one. Amelie?”

“Evelyn. And they ate earlier. Studying for a test. As you should be doing instead of running around with the boys from hell.”

“Ouch.” I pick up my fork and push at the lasagna. It seems to push back. I’m hungry, I think, but if I eat now, I’ll throw up. Nerves. “Speaking of which. Remember when I asked you to find out dirt on the boys…”

“Had a change of heart?”

“No. Far from it.”

She nods. “Good, because I think I might have something for you.”

“You do? I mean, you asked around? I didn’t think you’d still do it, not after…” I wave my fork in the air.

“Finding out that you’ve been lying to me all this time?”

“It’s only been a few days!” I protest.

“And that’s your excuse?”

Crap. “Melissa…”

“Are you too dumb to realize I trusted you because I thought you were human? You took advantage of my trust.”

I hang my head. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

She says nothing, her face still.

“You said you dug out something interesting to tell me?” I shoot her a hopeful look.

“You will owe me,” she says, gazing back at me, her expression stony. “This isn’t a freebie.”

I swallow hard. “All right.”

“Okay, listen.” She leans over the table a little. “Jason got a girl killed.”

“What?”Wait, what?I feel as if a wall has crashed over me. “Jason?”

“Here, at the Academy. He started going out with her, on and off. Zoey, the Ice Queen … She doesn’t like competition. So she picked on the girl. Jason was beside himself with anger. Wolfed out and lost control. Killed his girlfriend.”

That was totally not what I’d expected. My lips feel numb as I ask, “When did this happen?”

“A few months ago.”

Cold fear slithers down my spine, a snake of horror. Jason… had always seemed like the gentlest of them. The kindest.

But also the most scared of losing control and becoming the beast.